There’s a lot going on in these three similarly formatted memes, all of it bad. This is how too many incels see the world.
There’s a lot going on in these three similarly formatted memes, all of it bad. This is how too many incels see the world.
Incel ideology is a complicated mess of hatred and self-hatred. The most famous incel, the mass killer Elliot Rodger, alternated between grandiosity and self-pity, but his deepest anger was directed at the attractive women who ignored him; his intention, on his “day of retribution,” was to massacre “the very girls who represent everything I hate in the female gender: The hottest sorority of UCSB.”
Incels are endlessly creative in coming up with new ways to blame others for their problems — especially when they get a chance to blame a woman.
A Men’s Rights activist, an incel, and an antisemite walk into a restaurant. The restaurant owner says, “hey Larry, do you want your usual table for one?”
Is bad news for the women of Afghanistan good news for Western incels? Contemplating the resurgent Taliban’s “ultrastrict regulations and penalties for women,” one Incels.is commenter calling himself Mainländer finds himself rooting for repression, declaring that even if the Taliban take things a bit far, all their rules for women “weren’t invented for no reason.”
On Saturday afternoon, the Michigan State Police became aware of a chilling message posted to a Russian “confessions” website.
Got the blues? Blame the Jews.
At least that’s the argument of one conspiracy-minded incel, who thinks the (((people who run the world))) want the rest of us alone and lonely — and ready to buy lots of consumer goods to take the edge off our misery.
I saw the headline while browsing Twitter this afternoon: “This animal has survived for centuries without having sex.”
I thought, that’ll show those incels who are absolutely furious to be virgins at 14 or 44.
Never underestimate the ingenuity of the incels when it comes to finding ways to justify pedophilia.
Are there back incels, you might find yourself wondering. Yes, yes there are. Are they any less racist than their lighter-skinned counterparts? Sadly, based on what I’ve seen, no.