By David Futrelle
Today’s Deep Thought from the forums. (Well, ok, technically it’s a Deep Thought from January but I just ran across it today.)
By David Futrelle
Today’s Deep Thought from the forums. (Well, ok, technically it’s a Deep Thought from January but I just ran across it today.)
By David Futrelle
Several years ago, a certain subset of pickup artists became obsessed with ovulation after reading (or hearing of) a study suggesting that women on the verge of ovulation tend to be especially attracted to the sort of hyper-masculine “alpha males” that PUAs spend so much energy pretending to be.
By David Futrelle
Incels have rather, er, romanticized ideas about sexual abuse. They’re so fixated on the idea that having sex will fix all of their problems that they sometimes fantasize publicly about how great it would have been if their mothers, or sisters, or cousins had molested them when they were young. And sometimes they even get angry that they weren’t abused.
By David Futrelle
By now you’ve all seen endless variations on the Chad vs. Virgin meme, and probably a few featuring Stacy and Becky as well. Most of them, like the originals, tend to be more depressing than funny, reflecting the spread of toxic incel ideology into the “normie” world.
By David Futrelle
There are a lot of guys out there who not-so-secretly resent women for having bodies that get them all hot and bothered.
By David Futrelle
New York Magazine has a remarkable cover story out now on incels — more specifically, on the subset of the “involuntarily celibate” who obsess endlessly about getting plastic surgery in order to transform themselves from supposedly hideous unfuckable monsters into handsome Chads with perfectly chiseled faces.
By David Futrelle
It’s hard to keep track of all the myriad ways incels are oppressed. Here’s a new one I discovered today in the Braincels subreddit:
By David Futrelle
Incels spend a lot of time debating incredibly stupid things. Whether female sexual pleasure matters. Which mass shooters to embrace as heroes and which to dismiss as “amateurs” with insufficient body counts. Whether or not incels today suffer more than actual slaves did in antebellum America. Whether most women regularly have sex with dogs, or just some of them?
By David Futrelle
It’s not just Men’s Rights Activists who’ve appropriated the language of the Civil Rights movement in order to further their reactionary cause. The incels do it too — though, incels being incels, they tend to be much weirder about it.
By David Futrelle
Earlier this week, I wrote about misogynists using Alyssa Milano’s proposed #SexStrike as “proof” that women are manipulators at heart, continually using sex — and the withholding of sex — to get what they want from men.