Today in “That’s not how any of this works and also that’s not where the g-spot even is,” I present the following gif, which I found tucked away in the archives of the BadWomensAnatomy* subreddit.
Today in “That’s not how any of this works and also that’s not where the g-spot even is,” I present the following gif, which I found tucked away in the archives of the BadWomensAnatomy* subreddit.
Incels feel so little empathy for women and girls that they simply refuse to believe that they could ever feel bad about themselves.
Incels. Even when they’re not saying utterly reprehensible things — like demanding that women be turned into sex slaves for them, or blaming the Jews for their own sexual and romantic failures — they can still be a bit, well, much.
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Incels have a curious double standard when it comes to virginity. They view their own virginity as both a cause and a symbol of ultimate failure and deprivation, proof that they’re inherently worthless in the sexual marketplace and possibly in life itself.
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Over on Incels.co, one of the site’s more prolific commenters offers some insights into the motivation behind his vote for Trump.
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Ladies! Has it ever occurred to you that your alleged lack of interest in having sex with short men is a form of genocide? I’m guessing not.
Add “trans men” to the long and ever-growing list of things that incels just don’t understand.
Everyone, it seems, loves to rag on the Pumpkin Spice Latte — except, perhaps for those who shell out something like $100 million a year on the seasonal offering at Starbucks. But even those who are fans of the drink sometimes feel a little uneasy about making the purchase. Some women worry they might be labeled “basic,” while some men worry that someone might see them drinking a supposed “girl drink.”
At times it seems like the incel movement is as much about celebrating pedophilia — sorry, ephebophilia — as it is about lamenting celibacy and railing against women. Incels rhapsodize over “jailbait” and “teen love,” and many of them seem to believe that they unless they have sex with a girl in her “prime” — that is, somewhere in the vicinity of 16 years old — their lives are essentially meaningless. Most incels are not themselves in their teens.
“IncelExit” is a small subreddit devoted to helping those who’ve fallen into the incel rabbit hole and who are looking for “support and help with a pathway out.” It brings together “normies” who want to help with incels actually willing to listen to advice — a rarity in most incel communities, where every proposed solution is denounced as a “cope” or worse.