4chan advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement elliot rodger empathy deficit incel mass killing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Incels hail Toronto van driver who killed 10 as a new Elliot Rodger, talk of future acid attacks and mass rapes [UPDATED]

Alek Minassian: The new Elliot Rodger?

UPDATE: The CBC has confirmed with Facebook that Minassian’s post declaring himself an incel and hailing Elliot Rodger is real. 

By David Futrelle

As I write this, it’s still not completely clear if Alek Minassian, the alleged driver of the van that killed ten pedestrians in Toronto yesterday in what appeared to be a very deliberate attack, is in fact a self-identified “involuntary celibate” trying to take revenge against the “Chads” and “Stacies” and other “normies” he blames for ruining his life — or if these reports are simply some sort of 4chan-style hoax.

aggrieved entitlement empathy deficit incel mass killing misogyny terrorism

Incel terrorism: Alek Minassian, alleged killer of ten in Toronto van attack was inspired by Elliot Rodger [UPDATED]

Alek Minassian

UPDATE: The CBC has confirmed with Facebook that Minassian’s post declaring himself an incel and hailing Elliot Rodger is real. 

By David Futrelle

Earlier today, a van plowed into a crowd of pedestrians in Toronto, killing ten before speeding off; all indications are that it was a deliberate attack. Police have arrested 25-year-old  Alek Minassian, the man they say was the driver.

#gamergate #NotYourShield alt-lite alt-right antifeminist women chad thundercock incel twitter

Chad Vs. The Hecolopters: Today in Tweets 4/21/18 edition

The Incel Air Force launches its assault on Chad

By David Futrelle

It’s Saturday, and I’m feeling lazy, so I’m going to ignore all the frantic, sloppy tweets coming from Donald Trump’s bedroom at Mar-al-Lago and focus on the important non-Trump news of the day.

armageddon incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

A possible silver lining to World War 3? Incels hope they can rape women while Chad is off fighting on the front lines

Nuclear War: A possible solution to incels’ never-ending dry spell?

By David Futrelle

Men’s Rights Activists, Red Pillers, and so-called Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the possibly impending collapse of civilization. In the post-apocalyptic world they imagine, they’ll be the ones with the skills and supplies to survive, and the once-proud women who rejected them in the past will come groveling to them for help, desperate to trade their bodies for a can of beans.

aliens alpha males bad boys chad thundercock creepy hamstering incel mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Are incels the new alphas? Incels think women lurk on their forums “because we give them the hate” they know they deserve

Protip: This is not the look of a woman who is secretly in love with you

By David Futrelle

I know I write a lot about incels on this blog. It’s not just because they’re such hateful and self-destructive shits; it’s also because they’re so perversely fascinating.

empathy deficit incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny self-hatred

Incel dating tip: Make women hate themselves by asking them out

That monster … likes me! Could I be a monster too?

By David Futrelle

Guys who define themselves as “involuntarily celibate” spend rather a lot of their time trying to figure out how to make women as miserable as they are.

chad thundercock homophobia incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Incel Problems: “My dad saw my Chad folder and now he thinks I’m gay”

No, not THAT Chad!

By David Futrelle

Ok, so let’s say you’re a totally normal dude who just happens to be, you know, an incel. And like most normal dudes you keep a folder full of pics of super handsome shirtless dudes on your computer, not because you like to look at them or anything but because you need them as evidence you can pull out at a moment’s notice the next time you get into an argument with someone online who doesn’t believe the totally true fact that super handsome dudes who are capable of removing their shirts are literally the only dudes in the world who can get dates with women unless, I dunno, the woman is super icky or a sex robot or just wants money from you or something.

4chan alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism boner rage boobs chad thundercock chill girls creepy elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs guns incel infighting ironic nazis irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy playing the victim racism sexualization stacies terrorism transphobia twitter YouTube

4channers embrace YouTube shooter Nasim Aghdam as “goddess of retribution,” dream girlfriend

Nasim Aghdam: 4chan’s “girl” (Meme from 4chan)

By David Futrelle

When rumors began to spread yesterday afternoon that the YouTube shooter was “a woman wearing a head scarf,” many on the right assumed that their gut instinct was right: the attack on YouTube, although it took no lives other than the shooter herself, was an act of Islamist terrorism. When the name of the shooter was released, and it turned out to be Nasim Aghdam, this was all the confirmation the Islamophobic right needed.

alpha males alt-lite alt-right antifeminism cuck davis aurini elliot rodger grandiosity incel irony alert masculinity men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA PUAhate racism

Davis Aurini attacks Alt-Rightists as soyboy incels who need to become as awesomely virile as he is

Melon Ninja: Davis Aurini prepares to battle a cantaloupe

By David Futrelle

Eventually, it seems, every single far-right nitwit in the United States will be fighting with every other far-right nitwit. Last week, we looked at the miniature civil war that broke out between “crying Nazi” Christopher Cantwell and the boys at the Daily Stormer. Today, let’s take a look at another name from this blog’s past: Davis Aurini.

creepy cuck empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies female beep boop incel irony alert men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW reddit

Does giving a woman an orgasm make you a cuck, men who never have sex wonder

Perfectly understandable response to incel bullshit

By David Futrelle

It’s always a little strange to see self-described “involuntary celibates” — that is, guys who by their own admission are currently (and perhaps forever) unable to locate any women who want to fuck them — discussing sex as if they actually have first-hand knowledge about it.