4chan antifeminism imaginary russian friends lying liars misogyny post contains sarcasm straw feminists TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Tweets from totally real feminists supporting FEMCON2015, a totally real conference and not a 4chan scam

Seems legit
Seems legit

So over the weekend some enterprising 4channer decided to try to create some mayhem and make a few quick bucks by concocting a fake feminist conference, and selling tickets to it.

He — I’m pretty sure it was a he — headed to /b/ to round up some accomplices.

a voice for men antifeminism attention seeking crackpottery Dean Esmay doubling down douchebaggery drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies imaginary russian friends mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability straw feminists the c-word whaaaaa?

MRA Dean Esmay stunned that hurling obscenities at feminists does not cause them to take him seriously

Dean Esmay: One fingered typist?
Dean Esmay: One fingered typist?

It’s a day ending in “y” and “Men’s Human Rights Activist” Dean Esmay is spamming another hashtag on Twitter with belligerent and nonsensical Tweets directed at some imaginary feminist living in his head.

Wait, these were Tweeted yesterday, not today. Let me check something.

Yes, Thursday is also a day ending in “y,” so let’s continue. 

#gamergate 8chan imaginary russian friends men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill twitter

Welcome, my new imaginary Russian friends! Someone bought me another 5000+ fake Twitter followers today

I am killing it in the imaginary Russian demographic.
I am killing it in the imaginary Russian demographic.

Добро пожаловать, мои новые воображаемые русских друзей! Пожалуйста, наслаждайтесь Моя прекрасная блог и аккаунт в Twitter.

This, Google Translate tells me, is Russian for “Welcome, my new imaginary Russian friends! Please enjoy my fine blog and Twitter account.”

I popped onto Twitter this morning to discover that I have suddenly become popular in Russia again. Or at least in Imaginary Russia, home to countless imaginary Russians used by Twitterers who aren’t as popular as they want to be, in order to pad their follower account and make themselves look more popular. If you are so inclined, you can buy these imaginary Russians (and imaginary humans of many other nationalities) in bulk from specialists in the imaginary Russian Twitter user business.