homophobia irony alert racism trump

Dude is mad [homophobic slur] and [ethnic slur] think his Trump shirt promotes hate

He mad
He mad, too

Oh, Trump fans, never change!

Ted • 20 hours ago Bernietard in Lit told me that I was promoting "hate" by wearing a Trump shirt. This dude is your quintessential SWPL faggot. Even before Trump he hated me. All because I called dramakids fags like a year ago. Aside from that and a few glares from spics, I got nods and thumbs ups from peers . My friends didn't make comment on it. They already know me as that trump supporter lol Being a vocal Trump fan hasn't damaged my life...yet. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar Det. Snide Ted • 20 hours ago Fuck the spics. Keep up the good work.



antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism rape rape culture red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

What you need to know about Roosh V, the pickup artist holding meetups in 43 countries this Saturday

The man who would be king of the trolls
The man who would be king of the trolls

UPDATE: Roosh has announced that he is cancelling all the meetups. For more see my post here.

Roosh Valizadeh may be getting exactly what he wants. The scuzzball pickup artist and would-be philosopher of “neomasculinity,” best known for his semi, demi, sort-of-satirical article advocating that rape be made legal on private property, has ignited a firestorm of controversy in the media and online by announcing plans to hold meetups for his fans in 165 locations worldwide this coming Saturday.

8chan anti-Semitism cuckolding cultural marxism gullibility homophobia none dare call it conspiracy racism rationalization hamster reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings

Neo-Nazis and Other Trump Fans Accuse Microsoft of Rigging the Iowa Caucuses

Donald Trump: Yuge loser?
Donald Trump: Yuge loser?

Donald Trump’s supporters, like the man himself, are not what you’d call gracious losers, so it comes as no surprise that they’re taking The Donald’s second-place finish in Iowa hard. And given Trump’s own forays into conspiracy theory (all that birther stuff), it’s also not exactly a shock to see his fans claiming that the Iowa caucuses were rigged.

What is a little surprising is who they’ve picked as the supervillain in the alleged plot against Trump. Not the winner of the Iowa caucuses, Ted Cruz, but Marco Rubio — the guy who came in third, after Trump. With a little help from the dastardly computer whizzes at Microsoft.

alpha males antifeminism entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil SJWs homophobia imaginary oppression masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no girls allowed post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh transphobia

Where is the pet shop? Roosh V Plans Secret Meetups, Announces Locations on Internet

If you attend one of Roosh's meetups, come prepared!
If you attend one of Roosh’s meetups, come prepared!

UPDATE: Roosh has announced that he is cancelling all the meetups. For more see my post here.

Numerous We Hunted the Mammoth operatives have informed me that Roosh Valizadeh, the pickup artist and rape legalization proponent who is apparently trying to start a second career as a “neomasculine” cult leader of sorts, is planning dozens of meetups around the world, from Birmingham, Alabama to Taiwan, all scheduled for next Saturday.

While the meetups aren’t literally secret, Roosh is organizing them like a CIA operative planning covert ops. Or at least like a ten-year-old boy playing secret agent.

antifeminism concern troll harassment homophobia hypocrisy irony alert misogyny racism threats TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Just Another Day on Twitter: Horse-Obsessed Concern Troll Edition

Type type type
Type type type

In this, the inaugural episode of an occasional series I’m calling Just Another Day on Twitter, we will meet a very concerned Twitterer who showed up in my mentions today.

a voice for men anti-Semitism antifeminism cuckolding cultural marxism evil single moms evil SJWs homophobia Islamophobia literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men racism

Memeday: “You got your racism on my Men’s Rights Activism…”

An AVFM meme found on the Feminist Hypcrisy Facebook page
An AVFM meme found on the Feminist Hypocrisy Facebook page

Every Friday is Memeday here at We Hunted the Mammoth, and today we’ll be looking at some memes I found on a Facebook page called Feminist Hypocrisy.

At first glance, this page looks like any number of other Men’s Rightsy Facebook pages.

anti-Semitism antifeminism cuckolding homophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men racism reddit

Is this comment from WhitePride_1488 proof that we are rapidly approaching Peak Reddit?

Would Hitler have been a Redditor?

Have we reached Peak Reddit, the point at which Reddit cannot get any Redditer? This comment, from the racist cesspit that is the European subreddit, suggests that we’re rapidly reaching the zenith of Redditry.

a voice for men anti-Semitism antifeminism homophobia irony alert literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture reactionary bullshit

A Voice for Men’s post on feminism destroying humanity is not only daft; it’s plagiarised

Eyes on your own paper, Mr. Bean!
Eyes on your own paper, Mr. Bean!

UPDATE: The plagiarised posts on AVFM have been taken down without explanation or apology; see my post here for more details and perhaps a little schadenfreude. 

UPDATE 2: Elam has belatedly posted an acknowledgement of (some of) the plagiarism. Then he called me fat. See my take here.

You may remember Amartya Talukdar, the marital rape legalization advocate and Holocaust denier who is also a regular contributor to A Voice for Men.

Yesterday, he graced us all with a post on AVFM featuring the ominous title Feminism and Destruction of Humanity.

empathy deficit gender policing homophobia none dare call it conspiracy transphobia

Infowars: David Bowie’s “death is the capstone on the pyramid of necrotic Anglo-American mass culture”

David Bowie has left us with some big pants to fill
David Bowie has left us with some big pants to fill

Like a lot of people out there, I’m going to miss the magnificent weirdo that was David Bowie. While the rest of us listen to our favorite Bowie songs on repeat, the not-so-good folks at Infowars — conspiracy theory central — are actually celebrating the musician and cultural icon’s death.

alpha males antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh

Roosh V Is Angry That the BBC Has Portrayed Him as the Monster He Is

BBC presenter Reggie Yates ponders Roosh V's dubious wisdom
BBC presenter Reggie Yates ponders Roosh V’s dubious wisdom

As many of you no doubt know, the BBC’s Reggie Yates recently did an hour-long documentary about the “manosphere,” paying particular attention to the rapey, repellent pickup guru Roosh Valizadeh. I’ve pasted the video below.

I have, well, lots of thoughts about it. It’s really pretty compelling, particularly the segments involving Roosh, which essentially offer him a nice sturdy — albeit figurative — rope with which to hang himself. Which he of course does. More on that, and Roosh’s response, below.