#gamergate 4chan 8chan anti-Semitism antifeminism dark enlightenment davis aurini evil SJWs hate speech heartiste hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men playing the victim post contains sarcasm PUA racism red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian! straw feminists the spearhead whitepocalypse

Monkey Hippo Like Goyim: What you get when you do a Google image search for “Cultural Marxism”

Cultural Marxism in action.
Cultural Marxism in action.

“Cultural Marxism” – the alleged conspiracy of alleged secret Marxists allegedly trying to destroy Western Civilization through Political Correctness and feminism and racial equality – is a favorite boogeyman of the far right.

That includes, of course, large sections of the “Red Pill” world. Roosh V’s Return of Kings site publishes reactionary diatribes with titles like Cultural Marxism Produces Matriarchy and Tactics For The War Against Cultural Marxism In 2015; Heartiste rails against the alleged evils of “cultural Marxism, feminism, equalism, and … racial self-annihilationism.”

a new woman to hate all about the menz anti-Semitism antifeminism dark enlightenment entitled babies evil bunheaded women evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies evil short-haired women evil ugly women heartiste literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill twitter

Are men oppressed by women who put their hair up in buns?

Heartiste's worst nightmare?
Heartiste’s worst nightmare?

Pity the poor pickup artists, who have suffered so much at the hands of modern women.

Just consider the many cruelties that these malicious females have inflicted on these long-suffering men: Women insult and horrify men by getting tattoos, developing self-esteem, and being fat. They have the temerity to sleep with men that aren’t pickup artists. They force would-be Casanovas to take showers and even wipe their own asses in order to appeal to their fickle female tastes. Sometimes they even say “no” to sex.

And then there is the hair thing: believe it or not, some women actually cut their hair short in an obvious attempt to destroy the boners of modern man.

But it turns out women don’t have to get pixie cuts to oppress men with their hair. They can also put their long hair … in a bun.

Our old friend Heartiste is on the case:

#gamergate a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence antifeminism atheism minus elliot rodger empathy deficit evil SJWs fidelbogen gamebros heartiste misandry misogyny MRA playing the victim PUA red pill sarkeesian! sympathy for murderers terrorism threats

The threats that shut down Anita Sarkeesian's talk come from someone who seems to be deeply steeped in the misogynstic Men's Rights subculture

The threats directed at Anita Sarkeesian are intended to silence women's voices
The threats directed at Anita Sarkeesian are intended to silence women’s voices

Reading through the luridly threatening email that forced Anita Sarkeesian to cancel her talk at Utah State University, originally scheduled for today, I found myself wondering, a bit dumbfounded: just where does this kind of hate come from?

It’s a question I’ve been asking myself again and again in recent days as I contemplate the ongoing fiasco that is GamerGate. How on earth have all these people gotten so angry, so worked up, so willing to dox and harass and threaten women (and some of their male allies) over video games?

How exactly does someone reach a point where it makes sense to them to threaten – and perhaps even to seriously plan – a “Montreal-style Massacre” because they don’t like a few videos pointing out sexism in video games?

Even after years spent tracking and trying to understand the misogynistic online culture that’s given birth to GamerGate, I don’t have an answer. And I’m not sure where to get one.

And so, as a kind of preliminary step towards finding an answer to this question, I thought I would ask a simpler and more empirical question: where does the language of hatred found in the threatening email sent to Utah State officials come from?

a woman is always to blame antifeminism dark enlightenment evil SJWs evil women grandiosity hate speech heartiste imaginary oppression literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men paranoia PUA racism rape rationalization hamster reactionary bullshit red pill your time will come

The West is like a stupid white girl who goes home with a black guy: Heartiste and his racist fans warn white "ethnomasochists" of the danger of "ebola laced black men."

"The result -- racial pride dwindles." Nazi propaganda poster that would not be out of place on Chateau Heartiste
“The result — racial pride dwindles.” Nazi propaganda poster that would not be out of place on Chateau Heartiste

Not content with simply being a misogynist piece of poop, the “game” guru Heartiste is also, among other terrible things, a flaming racist given to hyperventilating about the alleged civilization-destroying powers of people with skin darker than his – and the alleged naiveté of white people who aren’t as racist as he is.

In one recent post, Heartiste awarded “freelance comment of the week” status to a racist rant posted on his site by someone calling himself Anton Chigurh, who thinks Western countries are being wimpy about ebola because they don’t want to offend Africans and seem racist.

“Chigurh” made his, er, argument in possibly the most racist manner imaginable:

antifeminism dark enlightenment heartiste literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA racism twitter

Red Piller wins the culture war with innovative "panty sniffer" insult


My post about Heartiste and the sour slut grapes the other day inspired the following highly ironic series of Tweets from Mr. H and one of his fans.

alpha males are these guys 12 years old? boner rage creepy dark enlightenment doubling down douchebaggery emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies heartiste incoherent rage internet tough guy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape culture rape jokes red pill sexual harassment threats

Pickup guru Heartiste: If a woman rejects you, tell her you weren't interested anyway so there TOTAL ALPHA MOVE!

Yeah, well you're a slut anyway, you stupid grapes.
Yeah, well you’re a slut anyway, you stupid bunch of grapes.

Who knew Aesop’s Fables was a pickup bible?

I assume you’re all familiar with Aesop’s story of the fox and the grapes: A fox wants some grapes, but can’t reach them. He walks off in a huff, sniffing that the grapes are probably sour anyway. The moral: “Any fool can despise what he can not get.”

The moral that pickup guru Heartiste draws from the story is a little different. As he sees it, the fox is a super cool alpha male who’s come up with an awesome way to put those slut grapes in their place.

a new woman to hate alpha males are these guys 12 years old? beta males dark enlightenment entitled babies evil sexy ladies hamstering heartiste mansplaining misogyny PUA red pill straw feminists would not bang

Emma Watson is dating a rugby player. CHECKMATE FEMINISM!?

Red Pillers agree: Emma Watson isn't all that, anyway.
Red Pillers agree: Emma Watson isn’t all that, anyway.

Never doubt the ingenuity of the internet’s misogynists in coming up with new reasons to hate a woman they’re already inclined to hate.

Actress and geek icon Emma Watson has been near the top of the new Misogyny hate list all this week, in the wake of the speech she gave at the UN gently praising feminism and suggesting that traditional gender roles aren’t always such a good thing for dudes either. She’s made this point before, declaring in a Tweet last month that

advocacy of violence alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? bad boys beta males creepy dark enlightenment domestic violence doubling down emotional abuse empathy deficit evil sexy ladies evil SJWs excusing abuse gaslighting heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever PUA red pill taking pleasure in women's pain victim blaming

You'll be horrified to learn where one popular pickup guru has found some, er, dating tips

The Duluth Power and Control Wheel
The Duluth Power and Control Wheel

Heartiste – real name James Wiedmann – is a proudly racist, woman-hating “pickup artist” guru known for advocating manipulative and often quite abusive “game” techniques to give men the upper hand in relationships and in the dating market. These run the gamut from emotional abuse – what he calls “dread game,” an elaborate portfolio of gaslighting ploys to keep women feeling insecure and off-balance – to straightforward physical abuse – slapping women “when necessary” to assert “alpha male” dominance.

Now he’s suggesting that wannabe lotharios borrow some tips on how to “game” women from the Duluth Power and Control Wheel, a widely used violence intervention tool designed to fight abuse, not provide a blueprint for it.

The Duluth Wheel highlights some of the most prevalent kinds of abusive behavior. Heartiste mines its descriptions of abuse for dating tips, claiming to find in it “a few curious nuggets of anti-feminist truth about relationships and how to keep them going.”

In his recent post, Heartiste goes through some of the descriptions of abusive behavior on the Duluth Wheel – and recasts them as handy tools for would-be “alpha males.”

alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males evil sexy ladies heartiste irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises PUA

Attention Heartiste: Don Draper is not an actual person

The REAL thousand-cock stare
The REAL thousand-cock stare

One of the odder folk beliefs of the pickup artist subculture is that women become worn down and used up and even a bit addled if they have sex with too many men. Men, by contrast, are said to be able to handle an equal number of female lovers with grace and aplomb.

In a recent post, our old friend Heartiste offers what he sees as decisive photographic evidence illustrating the different effects of promiscuity on men and women. One bit of this evidence: a picture of a young woman used to advertise some sort of singles event. Reflections from the photographer’s lights obscure her pupils, an offputting effect that gives her a slightly deranged look.

boobs creepy evil fat fatties heartiste men who should not ever be with deer ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA vaginas whaaaaa?

D'oh! A deer, a female deer

I don't even ... what?
I don’t even … what?

I don’t usually bother to read the comments on Chateau Heartiste; making it through Heartiste’s own florid yet turgid prose is exhausting enough. But after skimming a recent post of his on the increasing historical fatness of British women, I happened to glance down at the comments, only to see a discussion of the comparative anatomy of female humans and deer that was so odd and creepy I felt obligated to bring it to you all.

Brace yourself, because the following might just ruin your breakfast:


FuriousFerret  Well at least tits are bigger now. That’s one silver lining.      on August 26, 2014 at 12:12 pm | Reply CH      not even. big tits on fat women aren’t attractive. they hang like deerskin fur canteen bladders and are about as flat.          on August 26, 2014 at 12:20 pm prevailtolegend          One time I was skinning a doe deer in the field and when cutting out the rectum and thus the entrails, my finger accidentally slipped into the vagina. I sell home consumer goods and there are women I encounter every day, spending their husbands money, that are so large they would have me less aroused.


I’m pretty sure that guy’s hunting license should be taken away from him. And if there were sex licenses for human beings, well, all three of these guys should lose those as well.