ableism alt-right armageddon cuck heartiste irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rape rape culture trump

Are grouchy Mel and glowering Vince the new faces of white rage? One racist idiot says yes

Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn definitely not enjoying Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes speech

At various points during Meryl Streep’s Golden Globe speech on Sunday the show’s producers cut away from the actress to shots of fellow actors listening somberly but sympathetically to her heartfelt critique of Donald Trump’s bullying of a disabled reporter.

aggrieved entitlement alt-right entitled babies heartiste irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men racism

Pickup artist James “Heartiste” Weidmann wants Obama to be hung for treason

Obama has had just about enough of this nonsense

Once upon a time, the pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste (real name James Weidmann) actually provided his readers advice — terrible, backwards, and thoroughly misogynistic advice, but advice nonetheless —  on how to pick up the hot babes.

alpha males alt-right entitled babies gender policing heartiste hillary clinton homophobia internet tough guy manginas masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA trump

Heartiste: Defeat Hillary by calling her male supporters “mincing betaboys”

Mad Magazine on Mad Max: Fury Road
Mad Magazine on Mad Max: Fury Road

I admit I probably write about pickup-artist-turned-alt-right-opinion-haver Heartiste a bit more often than he merits. But his combination of furious bigotry and purple prose is irresistible.

Consider his brilliant new plan to defeat Hillary Clinton by impugning the masculinity of her male supporters.

alt-right heartiste hillary clinton men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny the c-word trump

Trump bombs at the Al Smith dinner; his fans declare victory over the “wicked bitch”

Hillary Clinton at the Al Smith dinner, looking forward to her imminent
Hillary Clinton listening to Trump at the Al Smith dinner, and looking forward to her imminent landslide victory

If you watched Trump’s appearance at the Al Smith dinner last night, you might be forgiven for concluding that he bombed, big league.

The annual charity dinner is sort of a political version of a celebrity roast, albeit one that is a little less vicious and a lot less funny. The main task of any politician speaking at the event is to demonstrate the rudiments of a sense of humor, especially when it comes to jokes directed at them.

alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism crackpottery crank magnetism entitled babies grandiosity heartiste hillary clinton literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy PUA trump

Hillary wants to kill men and give their jobs to women, Alt-Right Trump fans charge

Hillary Clinton: Man-murdering warmonger?
Hillary Clinton: Man-murdering warmonger?

As Donald Trump descends ever further into the maelstrom of his own id, the rhetoric of his most devoted fans grows ever wilder.

On the blog of the rabidly racist pickup artist James “Heartiste” Weidmann — you may recall his recent attacks on Paul Ryan — one of the regular commenters has a rather creative new theory about Hillary: She’s deliberately trying to start a war with Russia because she wants to kill off as many young American men as possible. 

alt-right entitled babies heartiste literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever post contains sarcasm racism trump

Alt Right goes Alt Banksy with amazing(ly dumb) Adidas meme

Alt-right "street artists" will never match the brilliance of this bit of graffiti
Alt-right “street artists” will never match the brilliance of this bit of graffiti

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The Alt-Right has a new plan to take over the culture … by appropriating the “corporate symbols of the left” and — get this! — subverting them. And then, like, pasting them on buildings and stuff. Because no one has ever thought of THAT before! 

entitled babies guns heartiste men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA racism threats trump

This is Trump’s America: A tribal-tatted swole dude yelling “COOK MY BURRITO, BITCH!”

Welcome to Trump's America
This dude has some thoughts he’d like to share with you

Pledge Drive continues! If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and send some bucks my way!  Thanks!

So this was the scene outside a Trump rally in Phoenix Arizona last Saturday: A “tribal”-tatted, Trump-supporting Swole-American yelling “F–KING COOK MY BURRITO, BITCH” at a gentleman he evidently believed to be of Mexican descent.

creepy entitled babies evil fat fatties evil old ladies heartiste misogyny PUA racism trump

Chateau Heartiste: If you want a good woman, you need to be racist as hell

Successful pickup artist and locked-down white woman
Successful pickup artist and locked-down white woman

Dudes! More specifically, white dudes! Are you interested in “locking down a good White woman” of your very own?

These days, a commenter on Chateau Heartiste explains, you can’t just hypnotize the ladies with your buff bod and masterful pickup artistry. You also need to be racist as hell. Oh, sorry, you need “to reject the anti-White race-propaganda that’s flooding out [sic] society.”

evil working women evo psych fairy tales gender policing heartiste hypocrisy manginas mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny post contains sarcasm PUA red pill that's completely wrong

Ladies! Stop working and concentrate on what you’re good at: Being young and fertile!

Seriously, you gals can't even sit on chairs properly!
Seriously, you gals can’t even sit on chairs properly!

Ladies! Stop doing stuff! Doing stuff is for dudes. So quit it with all the doing and concentrate on the be-ing Because that’s all you gals are good at, really.

That, at least, is the thesis of some dude who calls himself Otis, who did a thing over in the comments for a New York Times article. Our old friend Heartiste liked that thing he did so much that he went and did a thing with it on his blog. By which I mean he quoted it.

cuckolding evil SJWs heartiste homophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny projection racism

The worst racist song you’ll hear all week (or maybe ever?), if you can stand to listen to it

My feeling exactly
My feeling exactly

A new candidate for the worst song in history has emerged!

A fan of quasi-Nazi pickup guru and prose-abuser Heartiste has put out a rough version of a song he calls “The Sh*tlib Zone,” a grotesque ripoff — Heartiste euphemistically calls it a “reinterpretation” — of Golden Earring’s 80s classic “Twilight Zone.”