It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! WHTM is now ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you’ve donated already, THANKS! If you haven’t, and you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks again!
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! WHTM is now ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you’ve donated already, THANKS! If you haven’t, and you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks again!
By David Futrelle
So the guys who get mad about imaginary tiddies are mad about imaginary tiddies again — or, rather, the lack of them. This time they’re mad about the lack of huge gazongas in Netflix’s reboot of She Ra, the 1980’s He-Man spinoff that none of these dudes ever watched in the first place either because they weren’t born yet or because it was a show for, ick, girls.
By David Futrelle
Alt-rightish PUA blogger Heartiste seems to be transforming before our eyes into the internet equivalent of a cranky old man from a 1970s sitcom who’s forever grousing about how you can’t tell the boy hippies from the girl hippies because they all have long hair.
By David Futrelle
On the lady-hating internet crap site Return of Kings, a fellow called Jimbo Jones is pig-biting mad about the widespread assumption “that men are so beholden to the vagina that their every action can be manipulated through their (heterosexual) desires … .”
By David Futrelle
Professional “pickup artists” tend to have a thing against masturbation, largely because (one suspects) men who are not continually sexually frustrated are less receptive to their nonsense PUA teachings. And so it’s hardly surprising to find an anti-masturbation tirade on Roosh V’s crap site Return of Kings today, filled with cherry-picked science and assorted weird leaps of logic intended to prove that masturbation is very very bad for men.
Ladies! Have you felt your jaw lately? Does it seem a bit … square to you? Maybe a little bit too square?
This could be the result of TOO MUCH FEMINISM, according to some dude who writes for the ongoing internet dumpster fire known as Return of Kings.
The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you like, then MONEY pls? SERIOUS THANKS!
The internet’s angry dude army tends to get pretty worked up when women “invade” what some dudes consider sacred male spaces — like video games, and Star Wars, and comedic films about ghosts.
Now these same dudes are furious at comedian Amy Schumer for invading yet another sacrosanct male space: the world of Barbie.
Today is the start of the 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive. Please SEND MONEY. We really need it! Thanks!
To the regulars on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, she’s a bitch. She’s “disgusting.” She’s a “future cat lady in training.” She’s the inevitable result of a world in which women don’t face “any consequences for having a vagina.” We may need “another Hitler” to rid the world of people like her.
One day before American voters quite possibly elect their first female president (fingers crossed), Trump supporter/Hitler fan Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer has come up with a new argument as to why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote or really be permitted to make any decisions at all.
Well, it’s a new argument to me, anyway, so I am hereby awarding Anglin with the prestigious Nazi of the Day award that I just made up.