gender policing makeup is a lie MGTOW misogyny

Women are getting plastic surgery perma-smiles to counteract Resting Bitch Face

Why so serious?

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By David Futrelle

So the latest trend in plastic surgery. according to the New York Post, is women giving their so-called Resting Bitch Faces a little surgical pick-me up, turning their frowns upside down with the help of strategically placed Botox and fillers.

alt-right cuck Dunning–Kruger effect evil SJWs gender policing grandiosity homophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism

Right-wing think tanker takes 1600 words to call David French a cuck

David French: Accused cuck

It’s pledge drive time! IF you’re a fan of this blog, please donate what you can to keep it going by clicking the button below. THANKS!

By David Futrelle

Alt-Right Nazis love calling conservative pundit David French a “cuck.” In part, that’s because alt-rightists love calling everyone they hate a cuck, and French — a never-Trumper who’s openly criticized the alt-right — is the sort of “cuckservative” that alt-rightists especially love to hate.

a new woman to hate alt-lite alt-right bad anatomy body shaming boobs crackpottery creepy cringe empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sexy ladies evil smelly women gender policing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy not a cult racism reddit sexual abuse slut shaming trump

She’s a pretty-skinned Hollywood monster designed to destroy our youth: The 12 weirdest MAGA attacks on Miley Cyrus

Miley: Licking a cake, making MAGAs mad

By David Futrelle

There are few things MAGA Redditors love more than demonizing a woman. In The_Donald — Reddit’s main hangout for Trump fanboys, now quarantined for threats and doxxing — the regulars are as obsessed with Hillary as the man in the White House. And they relish mocking and smearing other female politicians they hate — which is most of them — from AOC to Nancy Pelosi.

baby men brand new ugly gender policing homophobia masculinity

Are guys refusing to use reusable shopping bags because they think it makes them look gay? | Brand New Ugly

Science has now provided a preliminary answer to the most pressing question of our time, at least for men: “Does this reusable shopping bag cause you to question my sexuality?”

'bating alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism AntiFa butts empathy deficit entitled babies gender policing globohomo grandiosity homophobia lgtbq memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy roosh v soyboys transmisogyny transphobia twitter

What is “Globohomo?” A comprehensive guide to the alt-right’s new obsession, with tweets

Gay Atlas, deadlifting the earth

By David Futrelle

If you’ve spent any time arguing with right-wing trolls online, you’ve probably encountered the alt-right’s new favorite buzzword (that isn’t really a word): “globohomo.” And you may have found yourself wondering: What on earth is a globohomo, anyway, and why are right-wingers so mad about it?

anti-Semitism armageddon cool story bro drama kings entitled babies gender policing gender swap homophobia irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy reddit

Reddit misogynists blame Jews for Lady Thor, predict imminent collapse of civilization

The real agenda?

By David Futrelle

I guess I owe an apology to Reddit’s contingent of Men Going Their Own Way. In the past I have suggested that MGTOWs spend all day every day talking shit about the women they’ve supposedly declared their complete independence from.

antifeminism antifeminist women creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies female beep boop gender policing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture rape is good actually reddit straw feminists

Men’s Rights Redditor: Laws against rape are a shit test women use to filter out men who aren’t “man enough to push past protestations”

What dudes who “push past resistance” actually deserve

By David Futrelle

Today, just another example of the sort of toxic nonsense that gets upvotes in the Men’s Rights subreddit, despite the protestations from Reddit MRAs that they really aren’t about hate at all.

alt-lite alt-right baby men concern trolls entitled babies evil imaginary ladies gender policing men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim shocked SHOCKED toxic masculinity twitter

Internet babies want Lady Captain Marvel arrested for stealing a motorcycle

By David Futrelle

Captain Marvel has been in theaters for two and a half months now, but the baby men of the internet are still finding excuses to throw tantrums over it.

creepy eek tattoos empathy deficit gender policing homophobia irony alert lgbt mass shooting MGTOW misogyny reddit TERFs transmisogyny transphobia yeah that's the ticket

Reddit TERFs discover that one of the STEM School shooters may be trans, and it goes about as well as you’d expect

Collage of comments from the GenderCritical subreddit

By David Futrelle

Some TERFs — trans-exclusionary radical feminists — seem nearly as obsessed with “trans crime” as Trump is with “immigrant crime,” and as Der Sturmer once was with “Jewish crime.”

a woman is always to blame empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties gender policing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism

“Feminized vegans” leave the UK open to immigrant infiltration, and other barmy insights from Daily Mail readers

By David Futrelle

The Daily Mail is famous for its uniquely British mixture of judgy prurience and good old-fashioned xenophobia. So naturally the comments section of its online edition is home to some of the worst takes the internet has to offer.