#gamergate sarkeesian!

Last Thursday, Anita Sarkeesian noted that Twitter had officially verified her account. Here's what happened next.

Actually I'm not sure if Anita Sarkeesian is Belieber Verified
Actually I’m not sure if Anita Sarkeesian is Belieber Verified

Over on Twitter, a small army of #GamerGaters and their pals have shown up in my mentions to assure me that the only reason Anita Sarkeesian was attacked after offering her opinions about the Marysville shootings was that it was somehow inappropriate for her to discuss the possible causes of the shootings so soon after the shootings, and so, naturally, people were angry at her.


And angry people, I guess, just can’t help but send rape threats and call women c*nts! There’s nothing misogynistic about it at all!

Well, this is an argument, I guess. Too bad it’s not really borne out by the facts.

Because, the thing is, Sarkeesian gets harassed pretty much every time she says anything.

Case in point: Last Thursday, she announced that Twitter had, after much delay, officially “verified” her account.  As you might imagine, she’s had to deal with innumerable malicious impersonators. Now people will have an easy way to confirm it’s really her posting.

#gamergate ableism advocacy of violence antifeminism antifeminist women boner rage bullying douchebaggery emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs FemRAs gender policing harassment homophobia hypocrisy internet tough guy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats rape culture sarkeesian! sexual harassment things that aren't fascism threats trigger warning video games

On Friday, Anita Sarkeesian called out "toxic masculinity" on Twitter. Here's what happened next.

Anita Sarkeesian's Twitter notifications (Artist's conception)
Anita Sarkeesian’s Twitter mentions (Artist’s conception)

What a surreal life Anita Sarkeesian must lead, in which virtually everything she says and does becomes grist for the Great Internet Lady Harassment Machine, Sarkeesian Division.

Take the latest blowup, which followed a few comments Sarkeesian made in the wake of Friday’s school shooting in Marysville, which may have been triggered by the shooter’s angry response to a romantic breakup. On Friday, Sarkeesian posted a few thoughts on the matter on Twitter:

#gamergate entitled babies literal nazis men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Today in #GamerGate: Entitled manchildren use manic pixel dream girl as their shield (again)

Vivian James would rather be playing video games.
Vivian James, Agent of SHIELD

Like their identical cousins the Men’s Rights Activists, GamerGaters have a bizarre fondness for terrible graphics and “memes” and collages of blurry screenshots designed – if that’s the word for it – to spread their sometimes incomprehensible propaganda.

The graphic above, found on Twitter, is my favorite GamerGate graphic so far, I think, and not only because it looks like a famous old Windows screensaver gone wrong. No, this little graphic wins my heart because it so baldly, if inadvertently, reveals the sheer ridiculous hypocrisy of GamerGaters claims of victimhood, and the intellectual bankruptcy of their #NotYourShield campaign.

#gamergate funny mansplaining memes

Meme of the week: Is "Actually, it's about ethics in games journalism" the new "Not all men?"


It’s been a pretty shitty week. I don’t think I need to explain why. So here’s something to help take the edge off — a new meme featuring a phrase anyone who’s ever said anything critical of GamerGate has heard, again and again: “Actually, it’s about ethics in games journalism.”

This new meme, which started really taking off today on Twitter and Tumblr, seems to be becoming the new “not all men.” Which makes sense: “Not all men” is to mansplaining what “Actually … ” is to Gatersplaining.

Here are some of my favorites, taken from Twitter and from the new Tumblr blog titled, naturally, Actually … it’s about ethics in games journalism.

#gamergate harassment sexual harassment twitter

Presented with evidence of one of their own sexually harassing a woman, GamerGaters deny and deflect and offer excuses



GamerGaters like to loudly profess that they oppose harassment. They also like to claim that most if not all of the harassment that has occurred comes from people that aren’t “real” GamerGaters.

So what do GamerGaters do when they’re confronted with evidence that someone in their ranks — not an anonymous nobody but someone with some standing in their community —  is harassing someone?

Well yesterday we had an opportunity to see just that. I wrote about a couple of instances of sexual harassment from a GamerGater known as Cameralady.

#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism domestic violence facepalm hypocrisy lying liars manginas misogyny MRA not-quite-plausible deniability paul elam self-congratulation threats

A Voice for Men has set up a phony White Ribbon website to coopt the international anti-violence campaign of that name [UPDATE: Real WRC responds to AVFM]

Beware of cheap imitations
Beware of cheap imitations

[UPDATE: The real White Ribbon Campaign has responded; I’ve added excerpts at the bottom.]

Apparently, A Voice for Men is just itching to be sued.

Paul Elam and the gang over at everyone’s favorite Men’s Rights hate site have just launched a new website — — that seems pretty clearly designed to undermine and co-opt the real White Ribbon campaign, a long-running international initiative to fight violence against women.

The REAL White Ribbon campaign has a number of websites, reflecting its international reach — in Canada, where the initiative originated, as well as in the UK, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand. and other places. But apparently the organization didn’t buy up all the related domain names.

#gamergate bullying creepy harassment twitter zoe quinn

#GamerGater declares "the only harassers are anti-GGers." Then sexually harasses an anti-GamerGate woman

This shirt available in men's and women's styles
This shirt available in men’s and women’s styles


Sexual harassment: it’s not just something that dudes do. And here’s a little story from the GamerGate wars on Twitter to demonstrate this.

Yesterday, an anti-GamerGate Twitterer known as directed a question to Adobe Software. And got an indignant reply from a GamerGater known as Cameralady.

#gamergate 8chan a woman is always to blame antifeminism creepy douchebaggery doxing drama kings entitled babies gross incompetence harassment hate homophobia transphobia video games zoe quinn

Teacher: "Don't be a creep. Embrace women in gaming." GamerGaters: Welcome to "the House of Pain."

Unfortunately, GamerGaters aren't action figures.
Unfortunately, GamerGaters aren’t action figures.

GamerGaters sometimes try to rebut charges of misogyny by pointing out that the targets of their wrath aren’t only women. And that’s true. They also target men … who stand up for women.

Mike Stuchbery, a writer and teacher in England, recently aroused the wrath of the Gaters by posting a brief essay titled “A Letter To The Gamerdudes In My Classes” on his blog. In the essay, he wrote “[d]on’t be part of the mob that attacks whichever target GamerGate is going after this week.”

So now he’s become “the target GamerGate is going after this week.” Or one of them, anyway.

#gamergate advocacy of violence antifeminism boner rage empathy deficit evil sexy ladies evil SJWs gamebros imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture reddit sarkeesian! sexual assault sexualization taking pleasure in women's pain

These Men's Rights Activists and GamerGaters get off — literally — by fantasizing about sexually humiliating feminists.

Every MRAs not-so-secret fantasy. (From a vintage cigar ad.)
Every MRAs not-so-secret fantasy. (From a vintage cigar ad.)

[TRIGGER WARNING: Discussion of rape, violent misogyny]

Today, the easy winner in my informal “Worst Thing I Saw On The Internet” contest is a horrendous little hangout for dudes with a very particular sexual fetish: they like to fantasize about raping and sexually humiliating feminists.

The Breaking Feminist Superheroines subreddit (r/breakfeminazis), with 865 subscribers, describes itself as

#gamergate $MONEY$ dark enlightenment davis aurini drama kings dudes who look like anton lavey empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs gamebros gross incompetence irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains jokes post contains sarcasm sarkeesian! schadenfreude

The first Sarkeesian Effect "teaser" is a MASTERPIECE of experimental film! Some notes from a BIG FAN


Hey guys, big fan here.

Just watched your Sarkeesian Effect teaser video. An outstanding job! Even though this is, I know, a rough and unfinished trailer using raw footage from the first couple of days of shooting, it’s clear that this film – this epic journey into journalism, if I might coin a phrase here (you can totally use it!) – will more than live up to your earlier work.