Over on Twitter, a small army of #GamerGaters and their pals have shown up in my mentions to assure me that the only reason Anita Sarkeesian was attacked after offering her opinions about the Marysville shootings was that it was somehow inappropriate for her to discuss the possible causes of the shootings so soon after the shootings, and so, naturally, people were angry at her.
And angry people, I guess, just can’t help but send rape threats and call women c*nts! There’s nothing misogynistic about it at all!
Well, this is an argument, I guess. Too bad it’s not really borne out by the facts.
Because, the thing is, Sarkeesian gets harassed pretty much every time she says anything.
Case in point: Last Thursday, she announced that Twitter had, after much delay, officially “verified” her account. As you might imagine, she’s had to deal with innumerable malicious impersonators. Now people will have an easy way to confirm it’s really her posting.