#gamergate 8chan imaginary russian friends men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill twitter

Welcome, my new imaginary Russian friends! Someone bought me another 5000+ fake Twitter followers today

I am killing it in the imaginary Russian demographic.
I am killing it in the imaginary Russian demographic.

Добро пожаловать, мои новые воображаемые русских друзей! Пожалуйста, наслаждайтесь Моя прекрасная блог и аккаунт в Twitter.

This, Google Translate tells me, is Russian for “Welcome, my new imaginary Russian friends! Please enjoy my fine blog and Twitter account.”

I popped onto Twitter this morning to discover that I have suddenly become popular in Russia again. Or at least in Imaginary Russia, home to countless imaginary Russians used by Twitterers who aren’t as popular as they want to be, in order to pad their follower account and make themselves look more popular. If you are so inclined, you can buy these imaginary Russians (and imaginary humans of many other nationalities) in bulk from specialists in the imaginary Russian Twitter user business.

#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism conspiracy theory creepy cultural marxism doxing empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sympathy for murderers

Roosh's Revenge Fantasy: The pickup artist and Gawker-media-hater writes a short story about the murder of an SJW blogger

Roosh, probably saying something terrible.

Roosh Valizadeh has long fantasized about ruining the professional lives of alleged “social justice warrior” journalists who criticize racist and misogynistic assholes like himself.

Now he’s fantasizing about murdering them.

Yesterday, the pickup guru and “Return of Kings” founder posted a short story on his personal blog about a twentysomething mailroom worker who loses his job after a feckless SJW reporter working for a Gawker-like blog called “The Denouncer” discovers an offensive Facebook post of his and writes a hit piece on him.

Unable to get a decent-paying job, the young man travels to New York and guns down the reporter who, in his mind, ruined his life.

If you have to guess which of the two characters Roosh sympathizes with, you clearly haven’t encountered him before.

#gamergate a voice for men anti-Semitism antifeminism antifeminist women crackpottery Dean Esmay entitled babies I know you are but what am I irony alert lying liars misogyny MRA paul elam post contains sarcasm Suzanne McCarley

The Most A-Voice-for-Menny A Voice for Men Thread Ever

Actual "meme" designed by AVFM's Attila Vinczer
Actual “meme” designed by AVFM’s Attila Vinczer

Oh, people. I would really like to take a little vacation from all the A Voice for Men posts, but as it turns out I have found the most A-Voice-for-Menny AVFM thread ever, and I must share it with you.

Ok, so a couple of days ago, AVFM’s Dear Leader Paul Elam posted an uncharacteristically brief video titled “A 41 second lesson for Adam Serwer and the mainstream media.” It consisted of a 41-second snippet of Elam’s phone interview with Buzzfeed’s Adam Serwer, one of the authors of that scathing expose of Elam, in which Elam boasts to Serwer about how much traffic AVFM gets every time there is a news article reporting what an utterly terrible person he is. (I’m loosely paraphrasing here; as far as I can tell, Elam is not actually aware he is a terrible person.)

#gamergate entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sarkeesian! the c-word threats transphobia zoe quinn

GamerGate may be fading, but its harassment never ends

GamerGate logic, sharkified
GamerGate logic, sharkified

Welcome back, my friends, to the harassment that never ends.

It’s not news that GamerGate is fading – the media hubbub has died down, and the last I checked the volume of Tweets to the #GamerGate hashtag has dropped to only about a fifth of what it was in its glory days.

But it’s too soon to say it’s over. Because while the number of Gaters has shrunk, the harassment of GamerGate’s targets goes on, and on, and on. Indeed, for the three “Literally Whos” who’ve been the central targets of #GamerGate harassment little has changed. The death threats, the rape threats, the insults, the harassing Tweets and comments and emails and phone calls all continue.

And then the Gaters accuse the “Literally Whos” of faking their harassment in a bid for sympathy and cash.

Let’s look at each in turn:

#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism cultural marxism evil SJWs racism

"Cultural Marxism" explained in helpful infographic (that somehow manages to avoid using "Le Happy Merchant") With BONUS CRAP PICS

It's all so obvious now!
It’s all so obvious now! (Click to enlarge.)

I‘m sorry, did I say “helpful?” I meant “so convoluted that the diagram-maker eventually gave up drawing lines between boxes because even he couldn’t figure out how all these things allegedly relate to each other.”

I should note that in addition to being a mess, this diagram is also complete bullshit, and that “Cultural Marxism” only exists in the fevered imaginations of neo-Nazis, conspiracy theorists, #Gamergaters and Bernard Chapin? For an actual history of “Cultural Marxism” as a boogeyman of the far right, see here. For more lovely “Cultural Marxism” infographics and memes, several of which do include “Le Happy Merchant,” see my earlier post on the subject.

Oh, ok. Here (after the jump) is a crapload of BONUS images I found by searching for “cultural marxism,” this time on Twitter.  [CONTENT WARNING: All the bigotries, actual pro-Hitler Tweets, cartoon semi-nudity.]

#gamergate 4chan 8chan anti-Semitism antifeminism dark enlightenment davis aurini evil SJWs hate speech heartiste hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men playing the victim post contains sarcasm PUA racism red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian! straw feminists the spearhead whitepocalypse

Monkey Hippo Like Goyim: What you get when you do a Google image search for “Cultural Marxism”

Cultural Marxism in action.
Cultural Marxism in action.

“Cultural Marxism” – the alleged conspiracy of alleged secret Marxists allegedly trying to destroy Western Civilization through Political Correctness and feminism and racial equality – is a favorite boogeyman of the far right.

That includes, of course, large sections of the “Red Pill” world. Roosh V’s Return of Kings site publishes reactionary diatribes with titles like Cultural Marxism Produces Matriarchy and Tactics For The War Against Cultural Marxism In 2015; Heartiste rails against the alleged evils of “cultural Marxism, feminism, equalism, and … racial self-annihilationism.”

"proxy violence" #gamergate a new woman to hate a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women creepy emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies harassment hate imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability paul elam playing the victim taking pleasure in women's pain threats

7 Tactics of Highly Effective Harassers: How A Voice for Men's Internet Hate Machine works

A Voice for Men mocks the fears of one of its targets of harassment
A Voice for Men mocks the fears of one of its targets of harassment

The self-described “Men’s Human Rights” site A Voice for Men is a hate site trying — admittedly not very hard, or convincingly — to pose as a human rights organization. In reality, as I and various other writers have documented in considerable detail, it’s an organizer and amplifier of hatred, directed at feminists and women more generally.

Much of this hatred is directed at specific targets, mostly though not always feminist women who have offended A Voice for Men’s founder Paul Elam. The aim is generally to terrorize feminists into silence.

I’ve written at length about AVFM’s campaigns of vilification and intimidation in the past; for a recent example as well as numerous links to discussions of past examples, see here.

Today I will  look at some of the specific tactics that AVFM uses against its targets – providing, in each case, a recent example.

This, in other words, is how AVFM’s Hate Machine functions. [TRIGGER WARNING for abusive language, discussion of abusive tactics]

#gamergate a new woman to hate a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women attention seeking bullying creepy doubling down doxing edmonton entitled babies harassment hate judgybitch lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability paul elam playing the victim racism taking pleasure in women's pain the poster revolution has begun YouTube

Paul Elam, you're no MLK: A Voice for Men offers a $100 bounty for a clear photo of its latest feminist foe

Cartoon by Sage Gerard. aka "Victor Zen," AVFM's golen boy of campus activism
Cartoon by Sage Gerard, AVFM’s golden boy of campus activism

Today I’d like to share with you two quotations. One is from Martin Luther King Jr., the civil rights leader whose legacy we honor today. The other is from someone who considers himself the leader of a human rights movement that follows in the footsteps of King.

The first quote:

Sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace, and thereby transform this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. If this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.

The second:

#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism evil fat fatties gross incompetence gullibility imaginary backwards land irony alert kitties lying liars misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy paul elam

Unable to accept that my site's been getting more traffic than his, AVFM's Paul Elam takes a swim in denial

This cat: Not impressed by Paul Elam's obvious bullshit
This cat: Not impressed by Paul Elam’s obvious bullshit

The first stage of grief, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross famously postulated, is denial.

So it’s hardly surprising that Paul Elam and his gang of flunkies and fans at A Voice for Men have responded to the news that my site is besting AVFM in traffic by trying to claim that my traffic is somehow … fake.

Elam’s “evidence” for this assertion? He poked around my site for a few minutes and couldn’t find any posts that felt really “viral” to him.

He explained his, er, logic in a post yesterday. (You’ll have to excuse his terrible prose; he’s apparently running out of ways to call me fat.)

#gamergate gullibility rhymes with roosh TROOOLLLL!!

If a #GamerGate-r plagiarises the John Birch Society on your blog and no one notices, does it make a sound?

Dwight D. Eisenhower: A Gawker Media shill?
Dwight D. Eisenhower: A Gawker Media shill?

Reaxxion, the world’s crappiest right wing woman-hating excuse for a video game site, has now officially responded to my post revealing that a GamerGate manifesto they recently published was literally a repurposed John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents.

Whether the, er, “author” of the post was trolling, or just the world’s least subtle plagiarist, it was a giant embarrassment for Roosh and Reaxxion. And so, in the course of a nearly 1000-word post, Reaxxion “ethics officer” announces that they’ve shitcanned the author – and congratulates the site for its heroic bravery for throwing out a writer who copied his entire post from an old John Birch Society newspaper ad from the mid-1960s, with words like “communist” removed and replaced with their GamerGate equivalents.