#gamergate 8chan antifeminism drama kings emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs irony alert mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy reddit sarkeesian! schadenfreude zoe quinn

The 13 Most Ridiculous Things #GamerGaters Have Said About Anita and Zoe’s UN Visit (Reddit Edition)

The sound you hear is a thousand #GamerGater heads exploding
The sound you hear is a thousand #GamerGater heads exploding

So a couple of days ago, as you probably have heard, Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn testified at the United Nations about online harassment of women. The two, along with a number of other victims of/experts on online harassment also paid a visit to Google Ideas to share their thoughts on the matter.

This is, in essence, what #GamerGate has achieved over the past year: By launching an unprecedented wave of organized harassment, mostly aimed at women, the Gators have brought about a new awareness of the seriousness of online harassment. And they’ve given the women whose lives and careers they’ve tried most energetically to destroy an influence they never would have had otherwise.

#gamergate jordan owen sarkeesian! schadenfreude

Friday Video Fun Times Half-Hour: Watch this re-enactment of The Sarkeesian Effect

A scene from Kevin Logan's remake of The Sarkeesian Effect
A scene from Kevin Logan’s remake of The Sarkeesian Effect

A week or so ago, YouTuber Kevin Logan, known for some pretty hilarious takedowns of some of the manosphere’s, er, leading lights, put up the first installment of what was intended to be a 2 1/2 hour long “review” of Jordan Owen’s The Sarkeesian Effect that consisted basically of him making snotty remarks as he watched the terrible, terrible film.

Owen sent a DMCA takedown notice, claiming (and I suppose he was right) that Logan’s video showed a lot more of his movie than “fair use” would allow. Like pretty much the entire first 25 minutes of it. So it was removed from YouTube.

Logan has returned with a couple of new videos that solve that whole “fair use” problem in a novel way.

#gamergate block that metaphor jordan owen sarkeesian! whaaaaa?

The Reviews are in! The Sarkeesian Effect is a hit with one incomprehensibly pedantic critic!

If you like the Higgs bosun, you're going to LOVE The Sarkeesian Effect!
If you like the Higgs boson, you’re going to LOVE The Sarkeesian Effect!

The reviews are in!

Well, at least one review is in.

In a 5000 word review essay that is perhaps too charitably described as “rambling,” military obsessed blogger Freiherr Karza von Karnstein explains why he loves The Sarkeesian Effect so much.

While his, er, argument is too convoluted for me to summarize in a brief blog post, I have taken the liberty of extracting some sentences from it that I think would work well as blurbs to use on The Sarkeesian Effect’s DVD cover and in other publicity efforts.

I have also taken the liberty of adding exclamation points to all of the possible blurbs below to give them a little extra zing!

#gamergate grandiosity gross incompetence jordan owen men who really shouldn't be making movies sarkeesian!

Friday Afternoon Video: “What it’s like watching The Sarkeesian Effect”

Ran across this on YouTube, from someone called ScAgCoWbOy. I know nothing about them, but this video pretty much nails the experience of sitting through all 2 1/2 hours of The Sarkeesian Effect — probably the longest 2 1/2 hours you’ll ever endure. The sleepy dog, needless to say, is not in the original.

By the time the “film” got to this point — this is from Jordan Owen’s weird Ayn-Randy monologue, around 2 hours in — I was so completely zoned out I couldn’t really appreciate the ridiculousness of what he was saying. Or the loopy graphics.

Also note the completely random (and way too loud) music. It’s like that all the way through this piece of crap.



#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity harassment literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Psy-Ops and Stealth Infiltration: The Protocols of the Elders of Roosh

Roosh V's role model?
Roosh V’s role model?

It was a tad ironic, to put to mildly: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that famously phony anti-Semitic “document” purporting to provide the details of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy straight from the Elders themselves, not only helped to inspire and rationalize the vicious Nazi campaign against the Jewish people; it provided the Nazis with a blueprint for their own underhanded actions.

“The Protocols was required reading for the Hitler Youth,” Stephen Eric Bronner notes in A Rumor About the Jews, his history of The Protocols.

#gamergate a woman is always to blame all about the menz antifeminism crackpottery entitled babies evil overpriced women gloating grandiosity marriage strike men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm reactionary bullshit

Milo Yiannopoulos: “Nutty broads” made me gay, and will drive most men to sexbots

Hey Ladies! Did Michelangelo paint this to impress some chick?
Hey Ladies! Did Michelangelo paint this to impress some chick?

Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart “journalist” and full-time GamerGate panderer, has weighed in on the topic of the day amongst woman-hating dudes: sexbots, and how non-robot women are going to be so sorry when men desert them en masse for sexy, uncomplaining lady robots.

His 1800-word post on the subject covers pretty much all of the standard manosphere talking points on the coming sexbot utopia for men; he even manages to quote (approvingly, of course) our old friend Heartiste, the woman-hating white-supremacist pickup guru.

#gamergate a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism antifeminist women creepy dark enlightenment dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs GirlWritesWhat grandiosity gross incompetence gullibility homophobia honey badgers hypocrisy imaginary oppression irony alert jordan owen men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm racism reactionary bullshit red pill

17 completely wrong things about filmmaking I learned from The Sarkeesian Effect, the worst documentary ever made

A much better use of money than The Sarkeesian Effect
A much better use of money than The Sarkeesian Effect

“They’re called tropes in games or something like that?”

— Brad Wardell, Game developer and Anita Sarkeesian expert

The Sarkeesian Effect, which premiered as a $3.99 “on demand” video on Vimeo yesterday, and which I forced myself to watch all two and a half hours of, is not so much a “documentary” as an object lesson in why it’s never a good idea to hand over tens of thousands of dollars to hateful, incompetent ideologues barely capable of making mediocre YouTube videos and expect them to produce a documentary that looks even vaguely professional.

#gamergate alison tieman antifeminism antifeminist women crackpottery drama evil SJWs FemRAs honey badgers MRA post contains jokes post contains sarcasm TyphonBlue

The Honey Badgers file their suit in moon court. And possibly in Alberta, too.

We Hunted the Mammoth Legal Advisor Sweetie P. Jonus, Esq.
We Hunted the Mammoth Legal Advisor Sweetie P. Jonus, Esq. is skeptical of the Honey Badgers’ legal strategy

You remember that lawsuit the GamerGate-loving, feminist-hating “Honey Badger Brigade” was apparently going to file against the Calgary Expo (for tossing them out) and The Mary Sue (for saying mean things about them, or something)? You know, the suit that they raised more than $30,000 to finance from their angry and apparently quite gullible fans? 

Well, apparently they’ve filed the suit?

I ended with a question mark because they’ve been a teensy bit vague about what exactly they’ve done. 

#gamergate davis aurini drama kings dudes who look like anton lavey evil SJWs hypocrisy jordan owen sarkeesian!

The Unmaking of The Sarkeesian Effect. Or, Thunderf00t makes a video that’s actually worth watching

I‘m going to do something I’ve never done before and that I likely won’t do ever again. That is, recommend that you watch a video by Thunderf00t. That one, up there.

#gamergate 8chan anti-Semitism antifeminism drama kings evil SJWs infighting literal nazis misogyny oppressed white men pig-biting mad racism

Weev: Gamergate is “the biggest siren bringing people into the folds of white nationalism.”

Will seeing this picture convert you to Nazism?
Will seeing this picture convert you to Nazism?

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! Please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

There’s trouble on the really, really far right: Infamous hacker-with-a-giant-swastika-tattoo Weev is squabbling with infamous former-Vice co-founder-who-hates-trans-people Gavin McInnes over which one of them is the real hero of the racist right.

The current contretemps apparently kicked off with this little Twitter exchange: