#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery evil sexy ladies evil SJWs imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed oppressed men rape culture reddit

Any woman in tech could be a false-accusing feminist honey trap, addled open source guru warns

... she might be a secret feminist honey trap trying to frame you!!11!
… she might be a secret feminist honey trap trying to frame you!!11!

I can’t even.

I’ve been tracking misogynistic ridiculousness on this blog for five years, but I’m not sure I ‘ve ever run across anything quite as ridiculous as this.

A prominent Open Source guru, Eric Raymond, is warning tech dudes to be extra super duper careful around their female colleagues, because any one of them could turn out to be a secret feminist “honey trap” aiming to frame men in tech with false allegations of harassment or rape.

#gamergate a voice for men empathy deficit entitled babies harassment lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam red pill twitter

A self-described harasser and abuser of feminists is accusing me of threatening Cassie Jaye

 Jack Barnes, "who describes himself as a "Proud MRA, Proud Anti-Feminist, GamerGate Supporter, Contributor to"
Jack Barnes, who describes himself as a “Proud MRA, Proud Anti-Feminist, GamerGate Supporter, Contributor to”

Earlier today Jack Barnes, one of A Voice for Men’s most energetic attack dogs, popped into my Twitter mentions with a link to an AVFM post accusing me of … threatening Cassie Jaye, director of the upcoming documentary The Red Pill, in the open letter I wrote to her the other day.

The post, written by Jack Barnes with assistance from AVFM head boy Paul Elam, was filled with the incisive writing and clear thinking we have come to expect from that site. A sampling:

#gamergate hypocrisy irony alert reddit

#Gamergaters applaud hiring of fake gamer as Breitbart Tech editor

Milo Yiannopoulos, not playing video games, possibly auditioning for The Cure
Milo Yiannopoulos, not playing video games, possibly auditioning for The Cure

So right-wing garbage site Breitbart has apparently decided to pander to the angry gamer demo even more explicitly with the launch of Breitbart Tech,  “a brand new vertical dedicated to coverage of tech, gaming, and web culture.” Naturally, they’ve tapped the unlovely and ungracious Milo Yiannopoulos, Gamergate panderer par excellence, for editor.

Yesterday Milo went to the KotakuInAction subreddit, one of Gamergate’s main hubs, to announce the good news.

One Puckish Redditor gave Milo a little pop quiz to test his knowledge of technology and gaming. Milo, well, failed it.

#gamergate evil SJWs harassment misogyny threats

SXSW panel on harassment cancelled due to harassment. No, really.

SXSW’s Big Tent (Artist’s conception)

Another one for the HUGE GIGANTIC IRONY file: A panel on online harassment, scheduled for the 2016 SXSW conference in Austin, Texas, was cancelled today due to threats of violence.

The panel organizer, Caroline Sinders, got an email from SXSW organizers explaining that the panel wouldn’t be happening because

#gamergate 8chan a new woman to hate antifeminism doubling down douchebaggery empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny YouTube

Thunderf00t rebuts charges he commands a hate mob by unleashing a hate mob on a woman who made this charge

Thunderf00t: Pleased with himself
Thunderf00t: Quite pleased with himself

Phil Mason, better known online as Thunderf00t, is a scientific researcher and YouTube bloviater who’s turned his hate-crush on video game critic Anita Sarkeesian into a surprisingly lucrative part-time job; his seemingly unending stream of YouTube videos attacking Sarkeesian, many of which have drawn hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, have without a doubt contributed mightily to the harassment directed against her by the online mob known as #Gamergate.

Now Mason is trying to defend himself against charges that he has become the de facto leader of a vast hate mob that harasses Sarkeesian and other women … by encouraging his followers to harass a woman who charged him with exactly this.

#gamergate 4chan advocacy of violence antifeminism atheism minus creepy empathy deficit hate speech men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men racism TROOOLLLL!! YouTube

Is the Trollhattan killer also the first killer troll? Anton Lundin-Pettersson’s online world


Yesterday morning, a man wearing a military helmet and a Darth Vader mask entered a school in Trollhattan, Sweden, carrying a sword. After posing for a picture with two students who thought his outfit was a Halloween costume, he stabbed a teacher with his sword and began attacking other students. He killed two and seriously injured several others before being shot by police.

#gamergate antifeminism entitled babies gender policing mansplaining matriarchy men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy that's not funny!

Enjoy These Delicious Patriarchy Sandwiches, With All the Fixins

All the ingredients for a delicious sandwich, rich in fiber and carefully formulated to help you reduce hairballs
All the ingredients for a delicious sandwich, rich in fiber and formulated to help reduce hairballs

On Saturday, esteemed Breitbart “journalist” and Gamergate panderer Milo Yiannopoulos took aim at the matriarchy in which we all apparently live by inventing a new fake holiday (and Twitter hashtag) he called #WorldPatriarchyDay.

In a labored, gratingly unfunny Breitbart post announcing the new fake holiday, he explained that

"ethics" #gamergate dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about reddit

Do #GamerGaters really think it’s “unethical” for the media to report things the police don’t want them to?

Lapdogs: Adorable, but not what the media should aspire to be
Lapdogs: Adorable, but not what the media should aspire to be

Does the average #GamerGater has about as much real understanding of “ethics in journalism” as a dirty sock?

Over on KotakuInAtion, which describes itself as “the almost-official #GamerGate subreddit” and “the main hub for GamerGate discussion on Reddit,” the regulars have given hundreds of upvotes to this little post on media “ethics.” 

#gamergate crackpottery racism that's completely wrong transphobia

Guess who convinced himself yesterday that the Oregon shooter was “Muslim or transgender?”


Even now that we know his name, the Umpqua Community College shooter remains an enigma, and commenters online and in the media have attempted to fill in the details with a lot of speculation, much of it fairly wild.

But the strangest speculation I’ve run across so far came from Mike Cernovich, the juice-hawking manosphere blogger who’s perhaps best known as #Gamergate’s “based lawyer.” Yesterday, Cernovich thought the long delay in reporting even the most basic information about the shooter was likely an indication that something nefarious was up.

So he tweeted this:

Flawless logic.

#gamergate davis aurini jordan owen men who really shouldn't be making movies sarkeesian!

Eraserhead, Clerks, Slacker and 5 Other Classic Films that Cost Less Than The Sarkeesian Effect

My face when watching The Sarkeesian Effect
My face when watching The Sarkeesian Effect

The Sarkeesian Effect has received its first positive review on IMDb!

In a review so gushing it sounds almost as if it had been written by Jordan Owen himself, reviewer  kiddo1-1 from the Czech Republic, writes that