When is trans genocide not trans genocide? When you define trans people out of existence before legislating them out of existence. At least, that’s the logic of Daily Wire brain genius Michael Knowles.
When is trans genocide not trans genocide? When you define trans people out of existence before legislating them out of existence. At least, that’s the logic of Daily Wire brain genius Michael Knowles.
By David Futrelle
The Semen Retention subreddit is a weird place to visit, filled both with arcane manifestos on the spiritual awakenings that supposedly come from never having orgasms, ever, and enthusiastic testimonials from sperm-filled dudes convinced that their onanistic disipline has caused all the women in their immediate vicinity to lust for them like cats in heat, even though actually having sex with one of these women would destroy their no-orgasm streak and, they fear, transform them back into average schmoes again.
By David Futrelle
I ran across this Tweet this morning from an intrepid Jordan Peterson debunker on Twitter and, well, it’s pretty much spot on:
By David Futrelle
I‘m going a little off-topic tonight because I’ve found, well, one of the most creative conspiracy theories I’ve run across in a long time.