fascism mass shooting open thread racism

Racist Jacksonville shooter: Open thread

The white shooter painted swastikas on his guns and left behind several racist manifestos; he apparently intended to kill students at the historically black Edward Waters University but was chased away by security and went to a Dollar General store instead. He killed three black shoppers and then himself.

This is the country we live in now.

Open thread.

alt-right fascism reactionary bullshit

Christian fascist Nick Fuentes declares “we need a dictatorship” to “force the people to believe what we believe or play by our rules”

In the wake of the Republicans’ anemic performance in the midterms — the “red wave” that wasn’t — white nationalist Nick Fuentes, leader of the far-right America First movement, is declaring that he’s done with democracy. In a livestream Wednesday, Right-Wing Watch reports, he delivered a rant outright calling for a right-wing dictatorship to take over the country.

alt-right fascism maga racism

Is the MAGA movement morphing into something indistinguishable from fascism? One white nationalist thinks so

It’s getting harder to tell the MAGAs from the Nazis. It’s not just the Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson who thinks those on the right should abandon a dying conservatism for something much more fashy.