alex jones conspiracy theory fake news false flag mass shooting

Idiots react to Alex Jones having to pay at least $4 million dollars to Sandy Hook family for his “hoax” claims

Who, me?

So you’ve probably heard the news: Conspiracy theorist and professional yeller Alex Jones has been ordered to pay $4.1 million in compensatory damages to a family who lost a child in the Sandy Hook school massacre, which Jones had been calling a “hoax.” Jones is likely going to have to pay a much greater amount in punitive damages.

crackpottery elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies false flag femoids incels mass killing mass murder is good actually mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Incels cry foul after the US Army warns service members about possible incel attacks on Joker movie screenings

Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker

By David Futrelle

In a remarkable memo obtained by io9, the US Army warned service members of a possible plot by “involuntary celibate (“incel”) extremists [to] replicat[e] the 2012 theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, at screenings of the Joker movie at nationwide theaters.”

advocacy of violence alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism empathy deficit false flag gab imaginary oppression ironic nazis irony alert literal nazis mass killing mass murder is good actually mass shooting nazis with guns none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men racism white genocide white supremacy

A regular commenter on Gab kills 11 at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Gabbers respond with Hitler memes and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories

From the shooter’s now-deleted account on Gab

By David Futrelle

Robert Bowers, accused of murdering eleven in a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synogogue earlier today, reportedly had an account on Gab, the so-called “free speech” alternative to Twitter that has been completely overrun with Nazis and the Nazi-adjacent. Bowers used the account to spread vile anti-Semitic and racist propaganda — and, if this tweet is accurate, to hit on underage girls.

anti-Semitism citation needed civility Dunning–Kruger effect false flag memes none dare call it conspiracy not a cult npc playing the victim QAnon

Blazing hot takes on mail bombs from the #MAGA crowd

Yes, they’re already starting to make NPC memes about it

UPDATE, FRIDAY 10/26: They’ve nabbed a suspect, a 56-year-old Florida man whose van is covered with pro-Trump stickers, alongside “CNN SUCKS” stickers and  pictures of Hillary Clinton and other Democrats depicted in crosshairs. Somehow I don;t think this is going to stop these people from crying “false flag.” 

By David Futrelle

At yet another of his endless series of rallies this Wednesday night, Donald Trump responded to the news that pipe bombs were sent to the homes and offices of a number of his top Democratic bete noires, as well as to CNN, another favorite Trump target, by offering only the vaguest possible condemnations of these acts of terrorism.

alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism AntiFa drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies false flag gaslighting homophobia ironic nazis irony alert lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever none dare call it conspiracy proud boys trump

Far-right Proud Boys violently assault protesters in late-night rampage; Fox News declares “Antifa attacks again — swords and vandalism”

Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes: He’s the one who drew the sword.

By David Futrelle

Last night the Proud Boys went looking for a fight. After a speech by the group’s founder Gavin McInnes at the Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan, members of the group — a gang of pro-Trump goons who seem to get into fights at every event they attend — were caught on video violently attacking several people who had come out to protest their event, beating and kicking them.

'bating #gamergate 4chan creepy cringe false flag homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedestalization racism transphobia

4Channers transform David Hogg into gun-loving “Daisy” to own the libs, and everyone is confused, including them

Meet “Daisy Hogg,” 4Chan’s new girl

By David Futrelle

4Chan has a brand-new imaginary girlfriend, and she might look a little bit familiar to you. “Daisy Hogg” seems designed to win the hearts (and the pants-feelings) of the 4Chan demographic — she’s a young, slender hottie who loves guns, Trump, and owning the libs.

alex jones alt-lite alt-right crackpottery fake news false flag infowars none dare call it conspiracy terrorism trump twitter

Deplorables insist the Austin bomber, a right-wing Christian, was AntiFa or a “deep state sleeper agent”

Alleged Austin bomber Mark Anthony Conditt: Right-wing Christian homophobe who was somehow also an antifa supersoldier?

By David Futrelle

We don’t know much about Mark Anthony Conditt, the man allegedly responsible for a string of bombings in the Austin area that killed two African-Americans, injured numerous others, and terrorized a city. But what we do know is certainly suggestive: Conditt, who seemed to have been targeting prominent African-Americans, was a conservative homeschooled Christian who blogged about his  opposition to abortion, same-sex marriage and sex offender registries.

alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies false flag Islamophobia lying liars racism trump twitter

Trump has the best natural disasters: Today in Tweets

What a crowd!

By David Futrelle

The Trumps go to Texas. And other news.

Let’s go to the Tweets.

/pol/ 4chan alt-right AntiFa domestic violence evil SJWs fake news false flag hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever TROOOLLLL!! twitter vox day

Vox Day hails fake meme smear campaign against AntiFas, touts lying as “effective rhetoric”

Vox Day, broadcasting live from the eighth circle of hell

By David Futrelle

That /pol/ campaign to smear the anti-fascist left with fake memes suggesting AntiFas support domestic violence against women, children, and the elderly? The one that I and others exposed yesterday as nothing more than a political dirty trick?

/pol/ 4chan 8chan domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies false flag literal nazis lying liars memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism TROOOLLLL!! twitter

Nazi trolls launch fake #PunchANazi campaign to smear AntiFa as domestic abusers

4channers launch a false flag campaign, apparently forgetting that we can see what they post

UPDATE: See update at the end of this post. It’s kind of funny.

By David Futrelle

On Monday, I published a post devoted to the proposition that Alt-rightists and their ideological kin lie about everything — usually badly. As if to prove my point, right-wing trolls from 4chan and Gab have launched a false flag “meme campaign” designed to smear AntiFa activists as supporters of domestic violence against women and children.