By David Futrelle
Three guys are hanging out on a stoop when a young woman walks by.
By David Futrelle
Three guys are hanging out on a stoop when a young woman walks by.
By David Futrelle
It’s Friday! So let me just ruin your weekend in advance by making you read this horrible thing from the Incels.me forum containing the phrase “pussy mouthwash.”
By David Futrelle
Today, a Twitter self-own so perfect, so pure, that it may well bring a tear to your eye.
By David Futrelle
Here’s today’s terrible, er, insight from the world of the so-called “involuntarily celibate,” found on the Braincels subreddit (and archived here).
By David Futrelle
Sometimes the sideshow is more interesting than the main event. Consider this strange ass-ault on butt-sex porn found in the comments to a Return of Kings post titled “GLOBOHOMO RAINBOW MAFIA IS FORCING THE U.S. NATIONAL SOCCER TEAMS TO WEAR GAY PRIDE JERSEYS.”
By David Futrelle
You might think that Labor Day would be the MGTOWs’ time to shine. What better day for American MGTOWs, at least, to indulge themselves in the glorious freedom they have allegedly won for themselves by “going their own way” and walking away from women.
By David Futrelle
When plus-sized model Tess Holliday announced last week on Twitter that she would be appearing on the cover of the October issue of Cosmopolitan’s UK edition, she was instantly subject to endless abuse from “concerned” citizens around the globe.
By David Futrelle
Jordan “Women are Chaos” Peterson got into a bit of hot water a couple of months back when he told a reporter for the New York Times that some sort of “enforced monogamy” might be necessary to make sure the supply of women is properly distributed amongst the male population.
By David Futrelle
Pity poor Roosh! It seems like only yesterday the alleged pickup artist and semi-ironic rape legalization proponent was basking in a worldwide wave of adulation hatred as he trotted around a portion of the globe on his “Roosh World Tour,” bringing his message of “neomasculinity” to his small but fervent fanbase and generating headlines at every stop.
By David FutrelleĀ
Incels aren’t really very good at the whole “humor” thing. Last week, I wrote about the “Imaginary Girlfriend” meme in which an earnest stick-figure woman declares that if she hadn’t been aborted she could have grown up to be every incel’s dream girl. “Sorry I couldn’t be there for you,” she says. “But my mom had other plans … would have liked to have a lot of kids with you.”