Incels devote a lot of their energy to imagining, in gory pornographic detail, all the sex they think women are having. Here are some reflections on the subject from someone called Inceldom Victim, one of the most prolific posters on Incels.is.
Incels devote a lot of their energy to imagining, in gory pornographic detail, all the sex they think women are having. Here are some reflections on the subject from someone called Inceldom Victim, one of the most prolific posters on Incels.is.
Some random dude on the internet has thoughts about sex and civilization so we have to listen to him.
So over on the Antifeminists subreddit, I found this guy, with a very specific set of worries about contemporary women, all of which seem to involve the specter of a man with a large penis and six-pack abs.
In 1937, two years before they declared war on the western world, the Nazis declared war on modern art — which they classed as “Entartete Kunst,” — or, in English, “degenerate art.”
When a man resorts to violence to “defend the honor” of his wife or girlfriend from rude comments from another man, it’s worth asking if the violence really has anything to do with the woman in question.
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There are two things that every antifeminist believes in like gravity:
A new(ish) study from two researchers at Canada’s McMaster University suggests that the antifeminists are full of it:
As you might have noticed, this site has not been on its best behavior lately; there have been slowdowns, 504 errors, outages. Well, with the help of am internet maven who was very generous with her time and expertise, we’re now back on track. And on a shiny new server. So hopefully things will be running a bit more smoothly from here on out, though there may be a few glitches as we settle in on the new server. There are a few formatting things i need to fix as well.
Is bad news for the women of Afghanistan good news for Western incels? Contemplating the resurgent Taliban’s “ultrastrict regulations and penalties for women,” one Incels.is commenter calling himself Mainländer finds himself rooting for repression, declaring that even if the Taliban take things a bit far, all their rules for women “weren’t invented for no reason.”
I found this in the Not How Girls Work subreddit, though it’s more of a Not How Any of This Works meme. I feel fairly confident in saying that not a word of this strange document is true, including “and” and “the” (as Mary McCarthy might have put it).
Here’s the text in case you can’t read that not-very-well-designed meme.
Exchange Of DNA
When a man releases his life form energy within a woman, he leaves a part of his DNA information in her birth canal. She has to have a VERY strong sexually balanced energy or his energy stays imprinted inside of her. That imprint can often create illusion of a sexual addiction. When people decide to have multiple partners, it can send mixed emotional signals within their body’s vibration system/auras. Women must be careful of different energies or spiritual forces polluting their internal magnetic temple, just as men should be careful who they share their electric energy with.
They call it sexual inter-course for a reason. it’s an internal course that unites man & woman, mind with mind, spirit with spirit. This is something that a rubber can’t protect you from, because energy is behind the elements of all flesh. There’s no such thing as “friends with benefits” Nah…Intimate activity intricately entwines the energies between two people. Sex creates a powerful exchange of sexual energy between those involved. These connections, imprints & debris are left upon the mind, soul, & spirit for a long time because they’re not easily purged or cleansed.
Casual sex with multiple partners can intertwine the energies & spirits of a lot of people into your own aura if they are not severed & cleansed. You become jointed to every person with whom your partner has slept with, as well as all the partners those people had. This type of “soul clutter” can be felt by your partner’s subconscious. Even if they are completely in tune or aware of the extra-curricular sexual activities, they still are able to sense the subtle disturbances of multiple energies and/or familiar spirits that have entered causing restlessness & inner turmoil. The longer & more intimate the contact with another person, the more powerful the reinforcement & the interaction of the bond becomes, & all the more difficult A is for them to untangle & leave. Only through harmony & balance can we achieve the kingdom within, and work our way towards sexual freedom
Q 6,234 likes
Reminder Most people haven’t learned the true nature of Sexual energy with the purpose to build & rise the energy upwards as a form of conscious… more
How does something like this get more than 6000 likes? I hope most of them are ironic likes.
I think this one has been floating around for awhile.
Not to be pedantic, but there are at least three such possible “homes” in cis women, and two in cis men. Doesn’t anyone fact check their memes any more?
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Just your typical discussion of sex on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and a reminder that women won’t be missing out much if these guys really do go their own way.