evil human females father's rights MGTOW misogyny

Messages designed to ruin your Fathers’ Day from the MGTOW subreddit

I‘m not sure which of these is worse. This first message is from a father to his son, who is also a father, and it’s mostly about how shitty the “females” of the world have been to both of them, allegedly.

advocacy of violence alt-right anti-Semitism AntiFa antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females evil sexy ladies grandiosity has possibly never spoken to a woman hate literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever miscegenation misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism rape rape is good actually stacies

“Ethnostate rape gangs” and other treats the “American fascists” in Patriot Front want to bring to women

To be fair, Nazis don’t really understand women either

By David Futrelle

Lefty media site Unicorn Riot, which is doing a bang-up job exposing the so-called alt-right — recently obtained a virtual treasure trove of chat logs and audio files in which members of Patriot Front, a self-described “American fascist” group that split off from Vanguard America last year, talk about how much they hate Jews and love guns and all the assorted other things that the shithead Nazis of today like to talk about.

aggrieved entitlement alt-lite antifeminism consent is hard creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females evil sex-rejecting ladies hypergamy men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny red pill return of kings sexy robot ladies

Prevent school shootings by giving guys holographic girlfriends, horny weirdo at Return of Kings urges

Unreal women: The solution to the gun debate?

By David Futrelle

Even a cursory look at the research on mass shootings suggests an obvious conclusion: the number of deaths in mass shootings seems pretty directly correlated to how easy it is to get hold of guns, in particular the assault rifles that have become the weapon of choice for mass killers. Countries that make it hard to get guns have drastically fewer mass shootings than the gun-friendly United States. Countries that have restricted gun ownership have seen the number of mass shootings fall.

creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females men who should not ever be with sexbots ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit sexy robot ladies

Reddit MGTOWs not worried that sexbots will be turned into stab-you-in-the-dick-bots by evil hackers

Accessing subroutine “stabby stabby”

By David Futrelle

Over the weekend, the UK’s prestigious Daily Star ran an important work of serious journalism warning of an impending, if underappreciated, threat to humankind. In an article with the sobering headline “Sex robot ARMIES: Fears hackers could create killer cyborgs and turn technology on punters,” the Star informed the poor punters of the word that the sexbots they’ve been longing for might just take up arms against them. Or at least knives. And possibly welding torches.

creepy douchebaggery empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

How to tell if a guy on Tinder is secretly a raging misogynist … in one easy step!

You shouldn’t have

By David Futrelle

Ladies! If you’ve ever wondered how to tell if a guy you spot on a dating site is actually a creepy MGTOW or some other breed of raging misogynist, here’s one foolproof technique! Check to see if he posts a profile like this:

beta males creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females men who should not ever be with imaginary women ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit sexy robot ladies

MGTOWs herald holographic waifu-in-a-jar as portent of “the post woman age”

Meet the little woman. Literally.

So a couple of days ago, I wrote about an exciting new development in the world of imaginary women: a Japanese company has developed a holographic virtual waifu for men who prefer the women in their life to be completely submissive, completely imaginary, and live in a little jar.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females female beep boop men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny playing the victim reddit ridiculous baby men TROOOOLLLL?

MGTOW: Women “have to be harnessed like mules” to prevent the collapse of civilization

Famous actor name of Brad Pit
Famous actor name of Brad Pit

Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the MGTOWs are MGTOWing it up like nobody’s business, trying to get to the bottom of what is perhaps the essential question of our age: When will mom bring down the pizza rolls?

antifeminism evil human females evil sexy ladies female beep boop gender swap mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit

Professional women could kill men for fun and “would prob get away with it,” MRA warns

Woman doctor, possibly contemplating murder
Woman doctor, possibly contemplating murder

So a little over a week ago, a drunken idiot in Miami attacked an Uber driver and trashed his car after being refused a ride. A video of the incident quickly went viral on YouTube; so far, it’s racked up more than five million views.

To the denizens of the Men’s Rights subreddit, this is somehow a Men’s Rights issue.

alpha males creepy dawgies empathy deficit entitled babies evil human females evil sexy ladies evil short-haired women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings

Return of Kings: “Dogs provide most of the positive benefits of women except sex.”

The Red Piller's ideal woman?
The Red Piller’s ideal woman?

A new post at Return of Kings, Roosh V’s site for terrible, terrible men, has me wondering: Do Red Pillers all harbor a secret wish to have sex with their dogs?

In the post, regular RoK contributor Max Roscoe reports on “10 Things My Dog Taught Me About Women.” His conclusion? That aside from that whole sex thing, he prefers his dog. Man’s faithful canine companions, he explains

antifeminism antifeminist women creepy evil human females misogyny red pill red pill women reddit sexy robot ladies

Red Pill women now recommending the Stepford Wives as role models

You will be assimilated
You will be assimilated

So one of the inhabitants of the Red Pill Women subreddit — devoted not to pickup artistry but to cultivating a regressive kind of femininity —  has found an unusual source for inspiration. She’s been reading a novel from the early 1970s that contrasts a brash young woman influenced by the “women’s libbers” of the day with a group of more traditionally minded wives living in a certain (fictional) suburb.