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Was Will Smith really to blame for that Oscars slap — or was it the fault of his “vile feminist thug” of a wife, Men’s Rightsers ask

When a man resorts to violence to “defend the honor” of his wife or girlfriend from rude comments from another man, it’s worth asking if the violence really has anything to do with the woman in question.

/pol/ 4chan alt-right anti-Semitism butts copypasta entitled babies evil black women evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism

Terrible Copypasta Thursday: “The THICC meme is a jew psyop created to normalize obesity, indolence and racemixing”

Sir Mixalot: Puppet of the Jews?

By David Futrelle

When you hear someone talking about a woman’s winsome thickness, you may find yourself flashing back — at least if you’re an old like me — to Sir Mixalot’s Baby Got Back. But there are some people out there who evidently start thinking about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 

$MONEY$ cuck cultural marxism entitled babies evil black women evil ugly women ironic nazis irony alert literal nazis misogynoir racism

Harriet Tubman $20 bill not going over well with Trump fans, other garbage humans

Get used to this face, Trump fans; you'll be seeing a lot of it
Get used to this face, Trump fans; you’ll be seeing a lot of it

It’s too bad the US Treasury threw a big wet blanket on Trump fans’ celebrations of the Great Orange Hope’s big New York Primary victory yesterday.

Did I say “too bad?” I meant “ah hahaha ha ha ha.”

empathy deficit evil black women men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny racism reactionary bullshit red pill

Reminder that the Manosphere is full of racist human garbage: Aaron Clarey edition

Aaron Clarey: Has many opinions about how black people should live their lives
Aaron Clarey: Has many opinions about how black people should live their lives

Aaron Clarey, self-proclaimed “economist” and friend to such Manosphere luminaries as Davis Aurini and Matt Forney, is a white dude with many opinions about black people, and how, in his estimation, they are living their lives incorrectly.

antifeminism beta males evil black women men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny PUA racism red pill reddit

Hey black ladies! Catapult yourselves out of poverty by snagging a white nerdboy

Interests include: Star Trek
Interests include: Star Trek

Are you saddened by the racial divisions in the United States?

One Red Pill Redditor who calls himself Cosmicicarus has come up with a bold new plan that he claims could put a dent in urban poverty — and also help nerdy white dudes get some attention paid to their long-suffering you-know-whats.

a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism antifeminist women attention seeking evil black women evil single moms hypocrisy irony alert judgybitch misogynoir misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm racism straw feminists

Black women hate men and “do an [expletive deleted] job with their sons,” white MRA lady JudgyBitch explains

Black mothers: This woman has strong opinions on how you raise your kids
Black mothers: This woman has strong opinions on how you raise your kids

It’s not exactly a secret that the Manosphere, stuffed to overflowing with he-man women haters, is also full of racists. Some of them quite open with, and even proud of, their racism, repeating literal neo-Nazi talking points and comparing blacks to apes. Others, especially amongst the Men’s Rights Activsts, pretend to be above race, often portraying themselves as champions for black men while reserving their most virulent racism for black women.

Enter JudgyBitch, the slur-spewing A Voice for Men “social media director” — and white lady. A recent post on her blog asks the question “Black men are failing catastrophically – are Black mothers to blame?”

Can you guess what her answer is? Yes, that’s correct.