"ethics" #ResistTrump actual activism

#ResistTrump: Call congress to stop ratbag Repubs from breaking ethics oversight

Congressman Bob Goodlatte: Neither good nor a latte

UPDATE: Republicans removed this provision from the rules legislation. It’s not clear if they’ve dropped it forever or just because it looked bad to do it on the first day of the new session. 

So Congressional Republicans had a private meeting last night in which they voted overwhelmingly to launch what you might call an anti-ethics bill. They[re attaching a sneaky little amendment onto a bigger bill that will strip away much of the power of the independent committee overseeing congressional ethics. The vote is scheduled to take place today.

"ethics" #ResistTrump kleptocrat in chief trump

#ResistTrump today by demanding that NBC cut its business ties with Trump

NBC, dump Trump!

Today’s Resist Trump Every Day mission: Sign a petition demanding that NBC cut its business ties with Trump.

From the petition, which you can find here:

"ethics" #gamergate alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies kitties literal nazis pledge drive richard dawkins sarkeesian! trump

Pledge Drive Update: A THANKS as big as the Ritz!

Seriously. thank you!

The Fourth Quarter 2016 “We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now” pledge drive is entering the home stretch, and I just wanted to update you all on the progress.

First of all, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who has donated! Some of you really came through in a big way; I’m humbled and deeply appreciative!

"ethics" hillary clinton men who should not ever be president ever trump

It’s official: Vladimir Putin stole the US election. Now what do we do?

The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you appreciate the blog, please donate what you can! THANKS! 

I guess some congratulations are in order for one Vladimir Putin, the Russian kleptocrat who used strategic leaks of hacked information to win the election (or at least the electoral college) for Donald Trump, a thin-skinned narcissist and easily manipulable geopolitical naif.

I mean, we knew that before. But now it’s pretty much official.

"ethics" aggrieved entitlement alt-right daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies grandiosity literal nazis matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men return of kings trump

Matt Forney urges fellow racists to apply for jobs with Trump in order to make leftists sad

Matt Forney, possibly playing Candy Crush Jelly Saga
Matt Forney, possibly playing Candy Crush Jelly Saga

Donald Trump’s appointments to his administration so far suggest that he’s building a “team of racists,” as Jonathan Chait of New York magazine has put it. Naturally, Trump’s many fans on the far right are thrilled.

"ethics" alt-right antifeminism cuck entitled babies hillary clinton irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny none dare call it conspiracy persuasion racism red pill return of kings TROOOLLLL!! trump twitter

#DraftOurDaughters: The Alt-Right’s new master (race) plan to defeat Hillary

Alt-Righters: Not fooling anyone
Alt-Righters: Not fooling anyone

So the Alt-Right and its fellow travelers have a brilliant new strategy to defeat Hillary Clinton — a hashtag (and assorted hashtag-related memes) intended to trick voters, especially women, into thinking that Hillary intends to draft women for an inevitable war with Russia.

"ethics" #gamergate antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit sarkeesian!

Gamergaters accuse Anita Sarkeesian of “Armenian appropriation of Japanese culture”

Anita Sarkeesian: Gamergaters still hate her

Cultural critic Anita Sarkeesian may have moved on from videogames, but Gamergaters (yes, they still exist) haven’t gotten over their obsession with her.

"ethics" alt-right literal nazis lying liars matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture rape jokes TROOOLLLL!! trump

Trump fans spam Buzzfeed’s “Share Your Trump Story” page with rape jokes, Pepe references

That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore

With more and more women stepping forward with stories of being sexually harassed and/or assaulted by Donald Trump, Buzzfeed has set up an email address (and a Google Doc form) to make it easy for anyone with a “Trump story” of their own to contact Buzzfeed’s reporters.

"ethics" a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women capybaras cassie jaye crackpottery dan perrins drama kings entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MRA post contains sarcasm red pill

Confused MRAs charge conspiracy after Village Voice pans “agonizing” Red Pill documentary

This fictional character from The Office probably wouldn't like the film either
This fictional character probably wouldn’t like the film either

The Pledge Drive continues! If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below!  Thanks!

The reviews are in! Well, technically speaking, a review is in.

The Village Voice’s Alan Scherstuhl has posted his review of Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill, her totally objective documentary about the Men’s Rights Movement that was funded in part by some of the people featured in it and that will be opening in theaters a theater Friday

"ethics" a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women domestic violence erin pizzey misogyny MRA

Erin Pizzey’s fake White Ribbon site declared officially fake by United Nations agency

Cat detectives are on the scene

Two years ago, Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men decided to get into the violence prevention business, in its own backwards way, by getting up in the business of the White Ribbon Campaign, a longstanding international initiative to encourage men and boys to fight against violence against women and girls.