antifeminism culture war eternal gamergate misogyny

Mamma mia! Right-wingers peach a fit over “girlboss” Princess Peach in new Mario movie

Check out my new blog, My AI Obsession, and my latest post there (Philip K.) Dick pics: Do AIs dream of electric sheep?

Proving themselves once again to be the most sensitive of snowflakes, right-wing culture warriors are losing it over the portrayal of a character in a video game movie. A couple of days ago, a clip from the new Super Mario Bros Movie hit the internet, featuring Princess Peach confidently making her way past an assortment of enemies and traps, prompting the culture warriors to cry foul, whining that this new “girlboss” Princess was a far cry from the damsel in distress they remembered from the video game.

comics eternal gamergate homophobia racism SJWs transphobia

Some Star Trek fans, missing the whole point of the franchise, are mad that the current comic book version is too “woke”

Lt. Uhuru would like a word with you

Bounding into Comics, one of the more boneheaded of the culture war blogs, which routinely blasts what it sees as excessive “wokeness” in comic books and films, has turned its attention to the latest comic book version of Star Trek, demonstrating in the process that it has completely missed the point of the whole franchise.

eternal gamergate fan mail misogyny racism transphobia twitter

Mail Call! More missives from unhappy readers

Like many of my correspondents, this fellow pulls his mail straight from his butt

I get mail, some of it nice, some of it not so nice. And people try to leave comments that are insipid or vile, which I don’t let through moderation.

But once in a while, I like to share some of these with you all because they are quite special in their own way.

eternal gamergate misogyny racism reddit video games woke

The next game in the Grand Theft Auto series will have a female protagonist, so that’s pretty much the end of civilization right there

The protagonists of GTA V react to the news

It’s been a rough couple of days for video game enthusiasts who hate women and scream about things being “woke” all the time. According to a story on Bloomberg this past Wednesday, sources within game developer Rockstar are saying that GTA 6 will have a lady as one of the main characters.

allegedly false accusations domestic violence eternal gamergate misogyny

More than a month after the Heard/Depp verdict, the professional haters just won’t let Amber Heard go

During the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp defamation trial, videos taking aim at Heard filled up Tik-Tok and YouTube. Some posted them because they genuinely hated Heard; others jumped in because they knew money could be made off the vast audience clamoring continually for more Heard content.

eternal gamergate gender policing red pill woke

Gladiator game dev adds a strange Red Pill anti-mask rant to the game’s patch notes

Wait, is he … wearing a mask?

So you get home from work late, feeling more than a little fried, and you know that the only thing that will cheer you up is some imaginary gladiator managing. So you get ready to fire up Domina, your favorite gladiator management simulation. But first you take a look at the patch notes for the beta version’s most recent update.

cancel culture eternal gamergate misogyny rape rape culture reddit sexual assault sexual harassment

“No Time to Die” director acknowledges that James Bond was a rapist, and Reddit’s right-wing culture warriors cry foul

Dr. Won’t Tale No For an Answer

We need to talk about James Bond. The debonair master spy and mass seducer of women is looking a lot less charming today than he did back in his glory days in the 1960s and 1970s. As any relatively conscious person who’s watched an older Bond film in recent years can tell you, Bond was less a seducer than a straight up rapist — tricking, blackmailing and sometimes physically forcing women to have sex with him.

ableism eternal gamergate harassment

Game reviewer harassed after pointing out that Cyberpunk 2077 literally gave her a seizure

It’s as if GamerGate never went away.