Watch out, Hillary Clinton! Dilbert creator and self-described master persuader Scott Adams has discovered the Twitter hashtag that will spell your doom!
Watch out, Hillary Clinton! Dilbert creator and self-described master persuader Scott Adams has discovered the Twitter hashtag that will spell your doom!
Yet another woman has been driven off Twitter by misogynistic fanboy bullies angry that she had invaded their putatively male turf. This time, the arena is comics, and the woman in question is writer Chelsea Cain, a bestselling novelist who brought her feminist sensibility to the Marvel comic book series Mockingbird, which recently came to an end after eight issues.
Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the impending sexual singularity — that is, when sexbots become so sophisticated that they can replace real human ladies in the sexing department, thus rendering real human ladies pretty much obsolete, ha ha sucks to be you, ladies!
They’re on to me! A post on the Men’s Rights subreddit asks the question: “Is Google Manipulating Search Output Again? I can’t believe that certain people are that prominent.”
The “certain people” in question? Me. I’m the certain people!
Filmmaker Cassie Jaye seems to have developed a weird affinity for bigots.
First, she cozied up to some of the most hateful figures in the Men’s Rights movement during the filming of her documentary The Red Pill.
Max Roscoe, a self-described ‘aspiring philosopher king” who writes regularly for misogynistic garbage site Return of Kings, doesn’t like feminism. Or contemporary classical music.
So he’s decided to take down both of these allegedly awful things, by suggesting that they’re pretty much the same thing, if you think about it.
I may have given out the first Donald Trump Memorial Award for Complete Lack of Self Awareness to the wrong person earlier today. Because, as much as Matt Forney deserves the award, Scott Adams may deserve it even more. For some of the same reasons, even.
Most of us like to think of ourselves as originals. But when it comes to communicating with other human beings, we’re not quite as original as we think.
When we talk, and write, we not only use words; we use a wide assortment of stock phrases that we’ve picked up along the way. Some of these phrases are basic building blocks of language, more or less essential to communication; others are, as the expression goes, worn-out clichés. Some of these clichés are so burned into our brains that we almost can’t help using them — though we sometimes apologize for it afterwards (or even before).
So our old friend Roosh V, the rapey pickup guru and philosopher of “neomasculinity,” has some … interesting thoughts on the election. Here are some recent highlights from his Twitter feed.
Yesterday, after poll guru Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight posted a chart showing that Donald Trump could easily win the election if only men were allowed to vote, some Trump fans began wondering, with varying degrees of seriousness, if maybe it would be a good idea to repeal the pesky 19th Amendment that gave women in the US the vote in the first place.