Were the Women’s Marches last Saturday an inspiring act of resistance to the incoming Trump regime, or just a collection of bitter, aging childless bitches looking for some drama in their lives?
Category: entitled babies
If you haven’t seen ABC’s horrifyngly Spinal-Tappish interview with That Man in the White House yet, you need to go watch it.
With a self-professed “pussy grabber” now living in the White House, you’d think the reactionary douchebags at reactionary douchebag central, Return of Kings, would be feeling pretty chuffed.
The millions of women who marched yesterday don’t really hate Donald Trump, at least according to Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer. No, they’re actually really into him.
You may be wondering what the dregs of humanity are saying on Twitter about the Women’s March.
The answer? Some pretty amazingly dumb things. Here’s a sampling:
Do you remember way back, oh, about ten months ago, when Breitbart tried to convince the world that alt-rightists were really just a bunch of lovable scallywags who didn’t actually believe all the horrible racist and anti-Semitic garbage they were so energetically dumping on the internet (and in the email inboxes of their assorted enemies) every day?
CORRECTION: In the original version of this post, I misstated the number of children who comprise Vincent Adultman. It is three. I have corrected the mistake below.
Today’s weird and inappropriate MGTOW metaphor for women comes to us from the world of finance. Well, sort of.
You may have seen this one already, but, really, this has got to be the most poetically apt illustration of what a nightmare Trump has been/will be for women that I have yet seen.
Here’s an amazing little Twitter exchange:
Yep, that’s right. The weird uncle of the Men’s Rights movement online is criticizing the Anne Frank Center for “whining” about the HOLOCAUST.
Apparently the murder of millions pales in comparison to the truly important issues faced by men today, like the problem of women being a bunch of “c–ts.”
NOTICE TO EXTREMELY LITERAL MINDED READERS: That last sentence contains sarcasm.
Thanks to TakedownMRAs on Twitter for catching this one and grabbing the screenshots.
It’s time for another visit to The Comments I Don’t Let Through, my ongoing series in which I post, well, comments that are too extreme to just let through the moderation filter, but that, holy crap, I can’t really keep to myself.