By David Futrelle
The Trumps go to Texas. And other news.
Let’s go to the Tweets.
By David Futrelle
The Trumps go to Texas. And other news.
Let’s go to the Tweets.
By David Futrelle
You may find the recent ramp up in nuclear tension with North Korea rather unsettling. The regulars in the Incels subreddit just wish that Kim Jong Un would nuke us already.
By David Futrelle
The Men’s Rights activists of Reddit may not have any interest in doing anything about Hurricane Harvey, or even talking about doing something, but don’t worry, they are willing to talk about one of the crucial issues of our day: the cruel exploitation of horny men by sex workers — women who actually charge these poor fellows money to have sex with them.
By David Futrelle
You’ve got to give Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way credit for one thing: They are constantly coming up with inventive new ways to hate women.
UPDATE: See update at the end of this post. It’s kind of funny.
By David Futrelle
On Monday, I published a post devoted to the proposition that Alt-rightists and their ideological kin lie about everything — usually badly. As if to prove my point, right-wing trolls from 4chan and Gab have launched a false flag “meme campaign” designed to smear AntiFa activists as supporters of domestic violence against women and children.
By David Futrelle
So Trump delivered a real barn cross-burner of a speech last night in Phoenix. Then police fired tear gas and flash-bang grenades at a crowd of protesters that was just standing around outside. And then other things happened. Let’s go to the Tweets.
By David Futrelle
It’s not altogether surprising to see a writer at the far-right internet shitsheet Return of Kings crying “censorship” in the case of The Daily Stormer, the notorious neo-Nazi hate site that has been banished to the so-called Dark Web.
By David Futrelle
Last night, boy president Donald Trump announced a bold new plan for Afghanistan that wasn’t bold or new or really much of a plan at all. Meanwhile, the Treasury Secretary’s wife yelled at people for being poor, Big Ben stopped bonging, and the day after the big eclipse people are wondering why their eyes hurt.
By David Futrelle
Today The United States was plunged into darkness, literally, and it was a welcome relief from the more lasting metaphorical darkness that overcame the country early last November.
By David Futrelle
In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a wise elder who calls himself lonewolf-chicago warns his younger colleagues to watch out for the insidious danger of … women who dye their hair. You may think these women look hot, he tells the assembled MGTOWs, but they don’t look hot, because their hair is a LIE! Also, he notes, his ex-wife has a fat butt.