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A creepy Pickup Artist has made the world’s worst dating sim. Let’s take a look!

The stealthy PUA approaches his prey from behind

By David Futrelle

Now, I don’t really understand dating sims, and I’ve never played one, but I nonetheless think it’s safe to say that no other title in the genre is worse or more cringeworthy than Super Seducer, a choose-your-own adventure video game guide to pickup artistry put together by Richard La Ruina, an honest-to-goodness, sort-of-well-known, professional pickup guru who actually makes a living running expensive “bootcamps” for hapless wannabe lady killers. It’s scheduled to come out in a few days on Steam.

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Prevent school shootings by giving guys holographic girlfriends, horny weirdo at Return of Kings urges

Unreal women: The solution to the gun debate?

By David Futrelle

Even a cursory look at the research on mass shootings suggests an obvious conclusion: the number of deaths in mass shootings seems pretty directly correlated to how easy it is to get hold of guns, in particular the assault rifles that have become the weapon of choice for mass killers. Countries that make it hard to get guns have drastically fewer mass shootings than the gun-friendly United States. Countries that have restricted gun ownership have seen the number of mass shootings fall.

alex jones anti-Semitism creepy emotional abuse entitled babies homophobia infowars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sexual assault sexual harassment

We are shocked, shocked to discover sexual harassment, bigotry and excessive shirtlessness going on in Alex Jones’ establishment (allegedly)

By David Futrelle

So the Daily Mail is reporting that two former Infowars employees have filed complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission accusing head Infowarrior Alex Jones and other staffers of harassment and discrimination, describing a workplace lousy with racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, sexual harassment and way more shirtless Alex Jones than anyone should ever be subjected to.

a near for men a voice for men advocacy of violence antifeminism Dean Esmay doxing entitled babies hate hate speech men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability paul elam playing the victim splc

Paul Elam: The SPLC is calling A Voice for Men a hate group — so you should send me money

Paul Elam wants your money, again

By David Futrelle

Paul Elam, the founder of A Voice for Men, has responded to his site’s inclusion on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s official list of hate groups rather predictably, lashing out against the hate-tracking organization with what he thinks is righteous indignation. And then asking people to give him money.

domestic violence empathy deficit entitled babies incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Women in abusive relationships should be jailed as accomplices, “involuntarily celibate” Redditor argues

What incels fantasize about

By David Futrelle

Leave it to the terrible excuses for human beings who populate the Incels subreddit to take victim blaming to its perverse extreme.

"ethics" #gamergate alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism AntiFa empathy deficit entitled babies hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism YouTube

Ex-Ralph Retort politics editor charged with murdering his dad in a fight over a conspiracy theory

Accused murderer Lane “Seattle4Truth” Davis

By David Futrelle

In August, a Washington state man named Lane Davis was charged with first-degree murder after he allegedly stabbed his father to death in an argument over internet conspiracy theories about alleged leftist pedophile rings.

alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies gab homophobia hypocrisy irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism transphobia

“Vile Jews” and “Women With Potato-Bag Arses”: What They’re Talking About On Gab

Even cats are horrified by Gab

By David Futrelle

Do you ever find yourself wondering what they’re talking about over on Gab, the “free speech” alternative to Twitter that quickly turned into a playground for some of the worst human beings on the Internet?

alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism entitled babies immigrants Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism return of kings

Return of Kings: Keep immigrants out! Except for sexy lady immigrants, send more of those

Return of Kings dream girls

By David Futrelle

The fellas at garbage site Return of Kings have made their feelings about immigrants pretty clear. If you do a search for “immigrants” on the site, you get a lot of headlines like these:

'bating creepy cuck entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Don’t get cucked by a rented sex doll, Reddit MGTOW warns his fellow creeps

Watch out, fellas! She may be cheating on you.

By David Futrelle

Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are lamenting the recent shutdown of a Chinese sex doll sharing service only four days after it opened. (Apparently people thought it was creepy and perverse, or something.)

emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies eww reddit toxic masculinity twitter

“Dudes too macho to wipe their asses” is apparently a thing

Cats are also absurdly hostile to toilet paper (but at least they do clean their butts on a regular basis)

By David Futrelle

I thought I’d take a moment this Friday evening to signal-boost a very important tweet from film producer Keith Calder on the subject of dudes so wrapped up in their own supposed machoness that they can’t “poop properly” or, even worse, clean up afterwards.