alt-right andrew anglin daily stormer empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-having women incels intellectual dork web jordan "slappy" peterson literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny patriarchy redistribution of sex

Remember “Enforced Monogamy?” Nazi misogynist Andrew Anglin shows us just how ugly it could be

Andrew Anglin thinks his version of enforced monogamy will lead to bumper crops of babies

By David Futrelle

Jordan “Women are Chaos” Peterson got into a bit of hot water a couple of months back when he told a reporter for the New York Times that some sort of “enforced monogamy” might be necessary to make sure the supply of women is properly distributed amongst the male population.

alpha males cuck empathy deficit entitled babies evo psych fairy tales incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny projection rape rape culture rape is good actually self-hatred

Evo Psych, Incel Edition: “It’s your biological responsibility to rape a female and advance our species”

Keep your sperm to yourself, you pieces of shit

By David Futrelle

Evolutionary Psychology is a problematic discipline to begin with, relying heavily on simplistic evolutionary “just-so” stories that for some mysterious reason always seem to reinforce the most reactionary notions about gender and human nature.

#gamergate antifeminism Dean Esmay entitled babies honey badgers misogyny MRA special snowflaking

Honey Badgers lose their lawsuit against the Calgary Expo and some of their fans think it could lead to civil war

The Honey Badger Brigade lawsuit (artist’s conception)

By David Futrelle

The Honey Badger Brigade’s infamous lawsuit against the Calgary Expo and The Mary Sue has ended, not with a bang but with a whimper. Well, rather a lot of whimpering, really.

creepy cringe entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA red pill reddit

Young Men’s Rights Activist who delights in “making feminists’ spines crawl” is baffled that he can’t get a date

Dating a feminist is dangerous business!

By David Futrelle

If you’re having girl problems I feel bad for you, son. Just don’t go to the Men’s Rights subreddit for help.

alpha males beta males chad thundercock cock carousel entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape culture rhymes with roosh

Has-been “pickup artist” Roosh V sounds more like an incel every day

Sad fact: Women only want to date The Beatles

By David Futrelle

Pity poor Roosh! It seems like only yesterday the alleged pickup artist and semi-ironic rape legalization proponent was basking in a worldwide wave of adulation hatred as he trotted around a portion of the globe on his “Roosh World Tour,” bringing his message of “neomasculinity” to his small but fervent fanbase and generating headlines at every stop.

depression empathy deficit entitled babies incels irony alert mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit

Incel demands that depressed women “stop appropriating male culture” because women can’t really be depressed

Sylvia Plath: Definitely faking it

By David Futrelle

Incels insist that no one else can understand their particular brand of loneliness and misery — and that goes double for women. Indeed, they insist, women can’t be “involuntarily celibate” like them because, unlike true incels, women can always find themselves a Chad (or at least some beta cuck) to have sex with.

empathy deficit entitled babies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture rape is good actually redistribution of sex

Incel: “Women should not be allowed out without a man”

Uh oh! This one’s escaping!

By David Futrelle

On, a hangout for some of the internet’s most hopeless involuntary celibates, one young fellow has come up with a simple yet ingenious answer to the Woman Question — that question being “why do these women keep having sex with guys other than the angry woman-hating weirdos who populate sites like”

empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape culture rape is good actually

Visionary MGTOW imagines a utopian wonderland where men are men and women are strapped to milking machines

Like this, but not with cows

By David Futrelle

Well, you have to give the MGTOWs credit for one thing: they do tend to have very vivid imaginations. Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a fellow calling himself MGTOWrath recently worked himself into a lather over women who think men are “oppressive, power-mad, sexist, etc.”

alt-right antifeminism entitled babies funny incels literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Neckbeard Deathcamp is the best parody Nazi incel black metal band ever (if you don’t actually listen to them)

Der neckbeard

By David Futrelle

Today my favorite band in the world is Neckbeard Deathcamp, whose new album “White Nationalism is for Basement Dwelling Losers” brilliantly skewers white supremacists, Nazis, incels, and white supremacist Nazi incels.

anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs incels irony alert looks theory mass killing mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Are we being too mean to incels who laugh at murdered ten-year-olds? One concerned ex-SJW says yes

A memorial for ten-year-old Julianna Kozis, who lost her life in Sunday’s mass shooting in Toronto

By David Futrelle

On Monday, I wrote about the gleeful reaction some commenters on the forum had to news that one of the victims in Sunday’s mass shooting in Toronto was a ten-year-old girl.