4chan alt-lite alt-right cuck culty empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs gender policing memes soyboys twitter

Right-wing trolls embrace new “NPC” meme, taking aim at soyboy cuck libt*rds who respond to everything with meaningless buzzwords

Triggering the soyboy libt*rd cucks by calling them NPCs (Detail from meme found on Reddit)

By David Futrelle

Alt-right trolls have a new insult: NPC, a sort of all-purpose replacement for formerly ubiquitous anti-SJW putdowns like “cuck” and “soyboy,” suggesting that everyone who doesn’t agree with them is a mindless, even soulless, robot, akin to a videogame Non-Player Character who can only respond to stimulus with a small number of preprogrammed lines of dialogue.

4chan alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism bad science daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies gab irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men

Nazi trolls claimed “Aryan Goddess” Taylor Swift as one of their own. Now she’s publicly supporting Dems — and the trolls are losing it

Taylor Swift liked this meme on Instagram

By David Futrelle

Several years ago, alt-right trolls decided to claim Taylor Swift as one of their own, trying to convince the world that she was some sort of undercover Nazi  waiting for the right moment to start preaching her fashy message openly.

anti-Semitism armageddon brett kavanaugh crank magnetism entitled babies grandiosity irony alert light treason martial law men who should not ever be president ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy not a cult rape culture rape jokes

Is Trump about to impose martial law? QAnon believers think so. And they hope Kavanaugh will help “BRING THE PAIN”

QAnon is giving rabbit holes a bad name

By David Futrelle

If I were a conspiracy theorist, it would be easy, oh so easy, to make the case that Donald Trump is preparing to launch a massive crackdown on civil liberties in order to protect himself and fellow Republicans from massive losses in the midterms next month.

"ethics" a voice for men alt-right Dunning–Kruger effect entitled babies grandiosity gynocracy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy reddit warren farrell

He’s red and mad and they don’t care: Why the MRAs are MIA on Kavanaugh

Angry, entitled, and facing multiple accusations of sexual assault: You’d think Brett Kavanaugh would be an MRA icon. Nope.

By David Futrelle

With his sham FBI background report prematurely closed, and his confirmation vote looming, Brett Kavanaugh is omnipresent in the media at the moment. Cable news is pretty much wall-to-wall Kavanaugh, and social media is overflowing with takes — hot and otherwise — on the overgrown frat boy who somehow became a Supreme Court nominee.

#gamergate alt-lite alt-right consent is hard creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies irony alert mansplaining mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture sarkeesian! zoe quinn

Mark Judge, Gamergater: Kavanaugh pal’s creepy 2015 attacks on Anita Sarkeesian look even creepier in retrospect

(My apologies to Dog)

By David Futrelle

I think a lot about this Tweet from Zoe Quinn:

bad science cultural marxism Dunning–Kruger effect entitled babies misogyny

Italian physicist suspended by CERN after giving a talk claiming men’s brains are more suited to science than women’s

Brave male scientist ponders the mysteries of the human female

By David Futrelle

Last weekend, Italian physicist Alessandro Strumia gave a talk at a CERN conference in which, he claimed, he would use “bibliometrics data” to answer questions about “a new global symmetry.”

alt-lite drama kings entitled babies jordan peterson men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim return of kings rhymes with roosh

Roosh V gives up: With no one paying attention to him any more, the pickup artist puts down his flagship website

Roosh V, sadly realizing his 15 minutes are up

By David Futrelle

Roosh V is having another sad. Just three weeks after Amazon stopped selling nine of his books, the date rape expert, baking enthusiast and former Most Hated Man in the World has decided to shut down his flagship Return of Kings website. In a post on the site today, Roosh announced that

brett kavanaugh creepy empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture sexual assault Stefan Molyneux trump twitter

The No-Empathy Gang: Right-wingers react to Christine Blasey Ford’s heartbreaking testimony

Don Jr: All the empathy of a brick

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bad science crackpottery creepy elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies evo psych fairy tales femoids I hate you mom incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture

Angry incel: “I finally told my mom that it’s her fault that I’m ugly”

It’s all your fault, MOM!

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creepy drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies hypocrisy incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture sexual assault

Brett Kavanaugh: Incel hero?

Or so he says

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