By David Futrelle
Incels talk a lot of shit about trans women, and trans folks in general, so I was a little perplexed when I recently ran across one incel Redditor seriously proposing that “trans people and incels should be allies.”
By David Futrelle
Incels talk a lot of shit about trans women, and trans folks in general, so I was a little perplexed when I recently ran across one incel Redditor seriously proposing that “trans people and incels should be allies.”
By David Futrelle
Yesterday, a brand new Redditor calling herself (himself?) concernedwife123 posted her (his?) tale of woe in an assortment of subreddits — looking, allegedly, for some advice. The alleged woman explained how she had allegedly lost her alleged husband to an alleged sex doll with “huge tits and a round ass with very human like skin.” But she (allegedly) felt she couldn’t really complain, because she had been mostly turning him down for sex for months. She (allegedly) felt awful.
By David Futrelle
If you ever wonder why online gaming culture is such a complete shitshow, it’s not because it’s dominated by angry teenagers who think it’s fun to call other players “f*ggots” and possibly even send SWAT teams to their houses. These people could easily be banned, No, the real problem is that so many adult gamers either don’t give a shit about the rampant harassment or think it’s actually pretty cool.
By David Futrelle
If you’ve spent any time arguing with right-wing trolls online, you’ve probably encountered the alt-right’s new favorite buzzword (that isn’t really a word): “globohomo.” And you may have found yourself wondering: What on earth is a globohomo, anyway, and why are right-wingers so mad about it?
By David Futrelle
So I wrote up a nice long post tonight, filled with inadvertently hilarious if also somewhat disturbing tweets from a variety of far-right trolls, but for some reason Twitter doesn’t seem to be embedding tweets properly right now, at least on WordPress.
By David Futrelle
I guess I owe an apology to Reddit’s contingent of Men Going Their Own Way. In the past I have suggested that MGTOWs spend all day every day talking shit about the women they’ve supposedly declared their complete independence from.
By David Futrelle
You can always count on the dude who calls himself One Angry Gamer to have a highly nuanced reaction to developments in the gaming and comics worlds. For example, take his reaction to the news yesterday that the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder movie will feature Natalie Portman — a LADY — as none other than Thor himherself.
CONTENT WARNING: This one is just brutal. If you’re feeling even the slightest bit queasy about the headline, please don’t read any further.
By David Futrelle
In the Kotaku in Action subreddit , where GamerGate never died (it just smells that way), the regulars are getting mad that the community manager for the game Total War: Three Kingdoms objected to some “sexy mods” that horny gamers had come up with.
By David Futrelle
Apparently the sorts of dudes I write about on this blog are just out there in the real world, some of them dating women who have no idea about the fetid misogynistic notions rattling around in their boyfriends’ heads.