By David Futrelle
Apparently not content with being completely wrong about female sexuality, incels seem to be working overtime on being equally wrong about male sexuality as well.
By David Futrelle
Apparently not content with being completely wrong about female sexuality, incels seem to be working overtime on being equally wrong about male sexuality as well.
By David Futrelle
The good gentlemen who make up the Men Going Their Own Way movement talk about women rather a lot — mostly because they hate them so much.
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By David Futrelle
Manosphere dinguses — from pickup artists to incels — often lament that dating apps and social media in general give straight women an unfair advantage in the so-called sexual marketplace, because women get so much male attention that they start to think they’re too good for ordinary men.
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! WHTM is ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks!
By David Futrelle
Homophobes and transphobes do so love their slippery slope arguments.
By David Futrelle
If you’re wondering whether Godwin’s Law still has a role to play in a world that’s once again filled with actual Nazis, the answer is yes, because how else are we going to deal with the so-called involuntary celibates on the forums who are currently comparing their lack of a sex life to the literal Holocaust, and concluding that what they’re dealing with is somehow worse.
By David Futrelle
So-called “Men Going Their Own Way” are so bad at the whole “going their own way” part of their little woman-hating credo that they sometimes have sex with women.
By David Futrelle
The dudes who hang out in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are ever alert to the dangers posed to men by their sworn enemies of the female persuasion — from false rape accusers to the duplicitous harpies who try to make themselves look prettier than they really are with “fakeup.”
By David Futrelle
Valentine’s Day is a shitty day for a lot of people who aren’t in happy relationships, and it’s an especially shitty day for incels who have put their bitterness over their own romantic and sexual failures at the core of their identity.
By David Futrelle
Manosphere misogynists seem to think that the world is basically the first three panels of that famous cartoon Charles Atlas ad writ large, in which musclebound “Bullies of the Beach” are continually kicking sand on wimpy beta males and humiliating them in front of their girlfriends.
By David Futrelle
The Unicode Consortium — the mysterious cabal in charge of the world’s emojis — is adding several hundred new emojis this year, including a bunch catering to the disabled (e.g., a guide dog, an ear with a hearing aid in it, a variety of wheelchairs) and others celebrating everything from falafel to sloths.