Not all incels spend their time fantasizing about being the next Elliot Rodger. No, some of them are less interested in contemplating mass murder than they are thinking about rape and other forms of abuse.
Not all incels spend their time fantasizing about being the next Elliot Rodger. No, some of them are less interested in contemplating mass murder than they are thinking about rape and other forms of abuse.
Quillette recently posted an article about incels that is doubly strange.
I haven’t seen the incels this excited by a shooter in a long time.
Incel ideology is a complicated mess of hatred and self-hatred. The most famous incel, the mass killer Elliot Rodger, alternated between grandiosity and self-pity, but his deepest anger was directed at the attractive women who ignored him; his intention, on his “day of retribution,” was to massacre “the very girls who represent everything I hate in the female gender: The hottest sorority of UCSB.”
On Saturday afternoon, the Michigan State Police became aware of a chilling message posted to a Russian “confessions” website.
Another one.
Today the Department of Justice announced that
By David Futrelle
The fellow who runs the Daily Blackpill account on Twitter is the very model of a modern incel — bitter, angry, hopelessly confused, and probably a few inches short of 6 feet tall. He hates Jews, “roasties,” Chad, and men taller than him.
By David Futrelle
So the incels are hailing Spongebob Squarepants as a bluepilled version of themselves. Over on Incels.co, one commenter has this to say about the underwater icon:
By David Futrelle
The Incels Without Hate subreddit is supposed to be the good one, free of festering resentment and calls for (or threats of) mass murder. The subreddit’s rules specifically ban expressions of hatred, as well as “blanket statements assigning blame to a particular group of people for your problems.”
So why are the denizens of the sub openly cheering on hatred?
By David Futrelle
In a remarkable memo obtained by io9, the US Army warned service members of a possible plot by “involuntary celibate (“incel”) extremists [to] replicat[e] the 2012 theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, at screenings of the Joker movie at nationwide theaters.”