block that metaphor creepy dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect evil sex-rejecting ladies has possibly never spoken to a woman men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit sex

Sex is like making an apple pie in which the man does all the work and the woman just opens her oven, dude who clearly never has sex explains

Women are picky about the “apple pies” they “eat,” if you know what I mean

By David Futrelle

In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, yet another man with what appears to be a merely theoretical understanding of the subject has decided that he needs to explain sex to us all.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism conspiracy theory dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies evil ex-wives evil widows men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit that's completely wrong wage gap

Men are oppressed by earning more than women, ingenious Men’s Rights Redditor insists

She looks thrilled

By David Futrelle

Men’s Rights Activists generally respond to discussions of the wage gap between men and women by snidely dismissing it as a long-disproven myth. (It’s very definitely not.)

a woman is always to blame actual mammoths aggrieved entitlement antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil working women evo psych fairy tales eww gross incompetence mansplaining mantrum men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape rape culture sex workers sexy robot ladies trump western women suck

ALL you need to do, is have babis: Another Comment I Didn’t Let Through

A question that applies to MGTOWs too

By David Futrelle

I thought I would end this week by setting aside the Nazi Menace for a minute so we can plunge once again into the swirling male-strom of Men Going Their Own Way. Today’s MGTOW adventure comes in the form of a very long, though not very well proofread manifesto that some dude called Zachary left in the comments here about a week ago. I didn’t let it through moderation then because I wanted to share it with you all.

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about misogyny racism

The Federalist has the worst take yet on the Google Manifesto and James Damore. It involves NWA

N.W.A. is not impressed with your argument, The Federalist. Or wouldn’t be, probably, if the group still existed.

By David Futrelle

The good folks at The Federalist — the clickbaity tradcon site known for its nuclear-level hot takes — have done it again: They have managed to come up with what may be the dumbest possible take on the Google Manifesto and its author, James Damore.

antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil SJWs feminism MRA reddit

MRAs demonstrate their complete ignorance of feminist history, part 9742

Er, that’s not quite how it happened (Click for larger version)

By David Futrelle

I found the meme above on the front page of the Men’s Rights subreddit today, with 82 upvotes (and counting). It’s a pretty good illustration of the standard story MRAs tell themselves about feminism: Once upon a time there was Good Feminism, it was modest and polite and didn’t ask for much. But then along came Tumblr feminists with their purple hair and they ruined everything!

cerno dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism rhymes with roosh scott adams trump

Suffracattes, Daddy Mooch, and Tampons as Masturbatory Aids: Today in Tweets

Sneaky, sneaky girls!

By David Futrelle

In today’s Tweet Pile: Cats fight for the right to vote (for women), Mooch meets his new baby, Trump threatens to destroy Obamacare himself if congress can’t, and incels offer some very interesting theories about tampons. With cameos from long-time WHTM favorites Scott Adams, M*ke C*rnovich and Roosh V!

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

“Men created civilization,” declares man who’s created nothing

MGTOWs: Building our civilization, one spilled bowl of Cheetos at a time

The Summer 2017 WHTM pledge drive is on! Do your bit for civilization by sending along some much-needed cash! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

So over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, some dude who doesn’t understand the basics of history or much else has declared, in all caps, that “WOMEN WERE NEVER OPPRESSED!”

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW of the Day misogyny reddit

Women are secret uggoes who lure men to their doom with their hair, MGTOW explains

Never doubt the power of lady hair

By David Futrelle

Fellas! Be careful around ladies lest they hypnotize you into liking them with their hair. Yes, that’s right. I said hair.

Absorb this hard-won wisdom, coming to you from one very wise fellow in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit who is today’s MGTOW of the Day:

alpha males alt-right beta males dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil sexy ladies irony alert literal nazis mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture

“Female Sexual Choice Must be Suppressed,” Daily Stormer demands

Woman destroying the world by choosing a man

Men’s Rights Activists aren’t good at much, but they’re remarkably adept at one thing: blaming women for things done by men. Rape? Don’t blame the rapists, blame their allegedly abusive mothers who made them that way. Environmental catastrophe? Don’t blame the CEOs of polluting corporations or the politicians who enable them, blame women and their love of shopping.

alt-right dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies men created civilization men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny women's jobs aren't real

The only valuable thing about women is their looks, manosphere “economist” Aaron Clarey declares

Woman cashing in on her economic asset

It’s Equal Pay Day, the annual holiday intended to remind everyone of the still very much real wage gap between men and women, so what better day for self-styled Manosphere “economist” Aaron Clarey to declare that the economic worth of women is based almost entirely on their hotness?