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“Boys are becoming girls” because they want to live life on easy mode, completely wrong Reddit MGTOWs declare

Life for women consists mostly of sitting around waiting for men to give them gifts, so it’s no wonder men want o get in on the action!

By David Futrelle

The angry misogynists who call themselves Men Going Their Own Way like to think of themselves as gender nonconformists of a sort, refusing to give in to what they see as intense social pressure to settle down and become husbands and providers — even if such pressure doesn’t actually amount to more than occasional naggy questions from relatives and coworkers about why they’re not married, and even though the overwhelming majority of married women themselves work.

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Fellas! Make your girlfriend your clone by uploading your sperm into her brain!

Michael B. Jordan , meet your new girlfriend, Michaela B. Jordan

By David Futrelle

It’s amazing how many men think their sperm is magical. Some, echoing the incorrect beliefs of scientists from centuries ago, think that it’s what “brings life” to the womb, with women providing no more than a place for a fetus to hang out for 9 months before it’s born. Some think their own sperm is worth its weight in gold.

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Men “bring life into the world” because their sperm swim, while the eggs just sit there, Galaxy-Brained Redditor explains

His boys can swim!

By David Futrelle

Turns out that women aren’t just improperly appreciative of men because back in the cavemen days it was (allegedly) the cavemen that hunted the mammoth to feed their lazy women sitting eating bon-bons in their caves.

/pol/ 4chan alt-right anti-Semitism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect flat earth galaxy brain men who should not ever be with women ever none dare call it conspiracy transphobia

Here’s a new one from 4chan: Jews “corrupted” math to hide the reality of the flat earth

Jew bamboozling the world with fake math

By David Futrelle

I‘m going a little off-topic tonight because I’ve found, well, one of the most creative conspiracy theories I’ve run across in a long time.

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Feminists push porn to make men weak through excessive masturbation, NoFap conspiracy theorist explains

He used to be an alpha dog. Them he got addicted to porn

The WHTM PLEDGE DRIVE is almost over! WHTM is ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you appreciate it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks!

By David Futrelle

NoFappers — they call themselves fapstronauts — give up masturbating to porn because they’ve convinced themselves that it drains them of their “life force” and makes them lethargic and dull-witted.

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Malebag: “Women s–k d–k because d–k built and maintained all upon the earth.”

Speedy delivery!

It’s PLEDGE DRIVE again! WHTM is now ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks!

By David Futrelle

With another month-long-week coming to a close, I thought I would take a few moments to share with you some of the feedback I get from, well, let’s just say these guys aren’t exactly fans.

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New Incel Theory: Women don’t use “pussy mouthwash” because “letting Chad’s load rot in there is a huge turn on”

Uh oh

By David Futrelle

It’s Friday! So let me just ruin your weekend in advance by making you read this horrible thing from the forum containing the phrase “pussy mouthwash.”

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My Normal Partner Who Shares My Opinion on Sluts: An incel self-own for the ages

Normal as hell

By David Futrelle

Today, a Twitter self-own so perfect, so pure, that it may well bring a tear to your eye.

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Bad Anatomy Meme of the Day: The womb is a place of “death and sadness” until “a MAN puts life into it”

Wait, testes are actually EGGS?

By David Futrelle

I found this lovely example of sex miseducation in the BadWomensAnatomy subreddit, a repository of amazing anatomical nonsense collected from around the web. I couldn’t figure out where this came from (it may have originated from a now-deleted tweet from this Twitter account, but I’m not sure). But whatever its origin it’s pretty … original.

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA warren farrell

Fact Checking Warren Farrell: No, Jodie Foster wasn’t “cashing in on her sex appeal” at age 4

Warren Farrell: A little confused sometimes

By David Futrelle

So I’ve been rereading Warren Farrell lately and, as always, it’s been a bit of a surreal experience. The man singlehandedly responsible for many if not most of the bad ideas held by Men’s Rights Activists today is not what you’d call an especially lucid writer. His organization is free-associational, his writing style evasive and cluttered with incoherent metaphors, and it seems like every time I go to check the source of one of his confidently asserted facts it turns out there’s nothing real supporting it.