Men Going Their Own Way aren’t just ignorant about women; they’re pretty much ignorant on every subject that comes up. Consider this post by MGTOW Redditor lashlightning21, who tries to retroactively recruit none other than Karl Marx to the cause.
Men Going Their Own Way aren’t just ignorant about women; they’re pretty much ignorant on every subject that comes up. Consider this post by MGTOW Redditor lashlightning21, who tries to retroactively recruit none other than Karl Marx to the cause.
Margaret Atwood has a unusual new fan — a commenter on the MGTOW2 subreddit who thinks that The Handmaid’s Tale is (unbeknownst to even Atwood herself) not a dystopian vision of a patriarchal theocracy but rather a sort of Red Pill parable on “the folly of the liberated woman.”
It’s depressing to think that some Men Going Their Own Way have children. It must be awful for their daughters to have to deal with such floridly misogynistic dads, and the situation isn’t that much better for the sons who have to endure hateful and unhelpful “red pill” prothletizing during their formative years.
By David Futrelle
Just a quick little post today to bring you this gem from the Bad Women’s Anatomy subreddit, in which some dude who’s either very inexperienced or simply very bad at sex explains that most women don’t really have orgasms, even if they think they do.
By David Futrelle
Look, everyone, it’s yet another dude who thinks that female orgasms are a myth.
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UPDATE: Oops. Turns out this dude’s post was satire, posted to a Facebook group mocking mansplainers.
By David Futrelle
More misogynatomy for your misogynatomy files! I don’t quite know how the British tabloids (The Sun, The Mirror, Metro UK) got to this story before I did but STOP THE PRESSES, there’s a weird angry dude on Facebook who thinks cis women get periods because cavewomen didn’t eat meat. No, really.
By David Futrelle
So Disney just announced the imminent arrival of a new She-Hulk series on Disney+. Most fans seem pretty psyched about the news. “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” wrote one She-Hulk lover on Twitter. “I’M NOT KIDDING I STARTED CRYING,” wrote another. “SHE-HULK … WAS THE FIRST MARVEL FEMALE HERO THAT I LOVED.”
By David Futrelle
Men Going Their Own Way remain a bit confused about lesbians. In particular, MGTOWs have a hard time understanding how lesbians pay their bills. After all, according to MGTOW ideology, women don’t actually work, at least not at “real” jobs, and most of them make their real money by sponging off of men — their long-suffering husbands and/or boyfriends.
By David Futrelle
One of my favorite would-be “gotcha” arguments I’ve heard again and again from Men’s Rights Activists over the years is this attempt to outwit history itself with powerful MAN LOGICK: