A couple of weeks back, I wrote about Men’s Rights Inactivism — the almost complete inability of so many so-called Men’s Rights activists to actually do anything like real activism in the real world. I was inspired by a discussion on the Men’s RIghts subreddit in which numerous MRAs reacted with defensive anger after another MRA called them out on this notable failure.
Category: dude you’ve got no fucking idea what you’re talking about
There’s so much vaginal disinformation going around the internet that it’s a great relief to see someone standing up for truth and rationality and rebutting the hell out of that bad info.
So the other day we looked at some, well let’s charitably call them myths, about the human vagina. Today we’re going to look a matched pair of other cis female body parts that are the source of a lot of curiosity and confusion. I am referring, of course, to the boobies.
Vaginas can be a bit confusing, for those who don’t have them and even for some who do. That doesn’t stop some of the most confused men from confidently offering up their dubious wisdom on the subject, often in online conversations with actual vagina-havers. Call it Vaginasplaining.
The Pledge Drive is still not out of the woods yet! If you’ve donated, THANKS! If not, please consider hitting the donate button below.
Jordan Peterson, intellectual fusspot and right-wing grifter extraordinaire, has gotten himself a new speaking gig: he’ll be one of the headliners at a crypto conference in Miami in April, which should give him plenty of time to learn the basics of cryptocurrency before speaking publicly about it.
When a guy begins his vagina advice with the phrase “listen ladies” you know you’re in for a treat. Well, feast your eyes on, and ruin your dinner with, this open letter to the (cis) ladies of the world from self-appointed vagina expert Derek. Sorry, Dr. Derek.
We’re going back in!
There were way too many amazing screenshots of self-confident mansplainers of women’s bodies and sexuality to fit in my post on r/NotHowGirlsWork the other day. So I’m doing another one. Like right here, and right now. It’s the very post you are reading at this moment!
Today, some amazing screencaps from social media documenting what happens when guys who slept through sex ed try to explain women’s sexuality to women. As you’ll see, these were all captured in the wild and reposted on the NotHowGirls work subredddit — an amazing source for this kind of thing.
Someone needs a nap. Specifically, this dude I found in the Men’s Rights subreddit yelling about everything and nothing at all.
Scrolling through my various newsfeeds today and this headline from InfoWars grabbed my attention: