The regulars on Ovarit, the Reddit-esque haven for some of the internet’s nastiest TERFs, are having a normal one today, by which I mean they’re comparing the (hopefully permanent) takedown of doxing site Kiwi Farms to 9/11.
The regulars on Ovarit, the Reddit-esque haven for some of the internet’s nastiest TERFs, are having a normal one today, by which I mean they’re comparing the (hopefully permanent) takedown of doxing site Kiwi Farms to 9/11.
Kiwi Farms, the infamous stalking/doxing site with an especial animus towards trans victims, is facing an energetic campaign to get it booted off the internet. If you haven’t been following the story, there’s a quick explainer here.
By David Futrelle
Men’s Rights Redditors are getting their boxer briefs in a twist over news that Wikipedia is now including the Men’s Rights subreddit on their list of “controversial Reddit communities” alongside such names as r/TheRedPill and the toxic pro-Trump subreddit The_Donald.
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE again! WHTM is now ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks!
By David Futrelle
If you’re a long-time reader of this blog, you probably know that, long before the reprehensible Christopher Cantwell gained worldwide fame as the “crying Nazi” who broke down in tears on video when he learned he might face some legal consequences for pepper spraying antifascists in Charlottesville, he was a Men’s Rights Activist penning screeds for A Voice for Men on such topics as “rape accusation culture” and how we live in “a matriarchy in which women can have men caged with a snap of the fingers.”
The Spring 2018 WHTM pledge drive will be wrapping up soon — and we’re still a ways short of what I need to get in order to make the site ad free! Please donate what you can! Thanks!Â
By David Futrelle
Candace Owens — self-proclaimed “Red Pill Black” conservative — is having a bit of a moment, hanging out with new Trump fan Kanye West, posing for selfies with Don Jr., getting an effusive Twitter shout-out from Don Sr,, threatening to sue people who talk about her in what she considers the wrong way.
By David Futrelle
Paul Elam, the founder of A Voice for Men, has responded to his site’s inclusion on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s official list of hate groups rather predictably, lashing out against the hate-tracking organization with what he thinks is righteous indignation. And then asking people to give him money.
By David Futrelle
So Cassie Jaye‘s execrable “Men’s Rights” documentary The Red Pill has been causing a bit of a stir in Australia. Yesterday, the Sydney Morning Herald published a lengthy puff piece on Jaye and her film.
Do you remember way back, oh, about ten months ago, when Breitbart tried to convince the world that alt-rightists were really just a bunch of lovable scallywags who didn’t actually believe all the horrible racist and anti-Semitic garbage they were so energetically dumping on the internet (and in the email inboxes of their assorted enemies) every day?
Not-so-nice white lady Andrea Hardie — perhaps better known on the internet as Janet Bloomfield and/or JudgyBitch — is still ostensibly the Social Media Director of the fading Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men.
This is just getting surreal.
The Daily Mail — yes, that Daily Mail — has tracked Roosh to his mother’s house in Silver Spring, Maryland, where he is currently living. In the basement.
The location of the pet shop has yet to be determined.