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After a day spent going through hundreds of pages of violent misogyny posted in that notorious 4channer IRC chat log, I thought I’d cleanse my palate by taking another peek into Reddit’s favorite gathering hole for Red Pill Redditors. The Red Pill subreddit, after all, is all about self-improvement, and helping men navigate the sexual marketplace in “a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.”
So let’s see what sort of self-improvement tips I can find there today! Here’s one!
![sumdumguy-throwaway 6 points 17 hours ago If women didn't have vaginas, they would be hunted for sport. permalink save report give gold [–]2vengefully_yours 11 points 14 hours ago Not much of a challenge really, they are slow, relatively incompetent, weak as shit, and have nearly zero spatial ability. It would be like hunting a video game journalist.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vaginas.png?resize=478%2C172&ssl=1)
Oh, dear. We’re off to a really bad start here. I mean, some people might consider these comments to be just an eensy-weensy bit, you know, sexist.
But these are just a couple of comments. Let’s back up a moment to look at the post these comments were responding to. Here it is, a (presumably) very thoughtful treatise on the expectations men and women have going into relationships, by a fellow with the unusual name Gay Lube-Oil. (Presumably his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lube-Oil, named him after “new journalism” legend Gay Talese.) It’s got literally hundreds of upvotes, so it must be pretty good.
So let’s take a look at the younger Mr. Lube-Oil’s thoughts on this fascinating topic.
What you’re going to find is that western and western influenced women expect a lot more from men than they’re willing to give in return. Women shouldn’t be judged for their bodies but that fat dude is a creep. I needed time to find myself but men without a good income are losers. My husband needs to be there for me, but if I sense any emotional weakness ill be gone faster than Jose Canseco during a piss test.
Huh. I see no citations for any of this, but I guess I’ll take his word for it.
Why are all women like this?
Ah, a variation on Freud’s famous question: “women — what’s their fucking problem?”
Because all her life, the only thing that was expected of her was for her to bring her vagina. It got her into parties and clubs. It got her drugs. It might have even helped her get a job that she was less qualified for. The corporate media taught her that as a vagina operator, men owed her tons of free shit. The movies and shows that she defines herself by depict women as passive objects to be showered in male affection. Diamonds are a girls best friend (because women are incapable of real friendship).
Huh. I thought maybe I’d ask my best friend about this, but as it turns out she’s a woman, and therefore not my best friend at all.
Its foolish to expect any equality in a relationship because society conditions women to be selfish assholes. When a women says that she will be there for her boyfriend. She means in the literal physical sense. Depressed men are unattractive and women have no interest being anywhere near them. Ultimately, most women only bring to relationships what they bring to the club: vagina.
This is kind of a double whammy because, as we’ve been told again and again from the fellows I write about on this blog, vaginas are dirty and slimy and smell very, very bad.
There are two ways to respond to this Red Pill truth. You can use women for their vaginas and nothing else. Or you can teach her to cook, workout and whatever else you expect out of a LTR. In the end all you get by default is vagina, unless she stops being attracted to you. If that’s the case she has a headache.
It’s like that old joke: “Boy, the vaginas at this place are really stinky. And such small portions!”
(Thanks, Blue Pill Subreddit, for pointing me to these wondrous bits of Red Pill Wisdom.)