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By David Futrelle
Watch out, straight dudes! The government is coming for your manhood!
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Trouble in paradise! Just days before the opening of The Red Pill, the apparently quite awful Men’s Rights documentary, one of the film’s biggest backers is mocking Men’s Rights Activists as a bunch of sad men “who clearly need to improve their lives by going to the gym.”
So you’ve heard of this Pokemon Go thing, right? It’s the massively popular new mobile game that uses your GPS to lead you to virtual Pokemons hanging out at countless locations in the real world; with a quick toss of a virtual Pokeball, you can catch them for your collection. (If none of that makes sense to you, watch this.)
The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is almost done! If you haven’t already, please support this blog by donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!
Aravindan Balakrishnan was a Maoist cult leader who used psychological torture and sexual violence to keep a small group of women under his control for decades in a hellish “commune” in South London.
Apparently worried that not enough people were conflating the woman-hating, reactionary assholes who call themselves Men’s Rights Activists with the woman-hating reactionary assholes who call themselves pickup artists, MRA stronghold A Voice for Men has come rushing to the defense of PUA skeezeball Roosh Valizadeh, in the wake of his recent troubles in Canada.
Here’s what is unquestionably the Red Pill Quote of the Day. Well, to be perfectly honest, of two days ago, but I only saw it just now. It comes courtesy of the FeMRADebates subreddit.
So over on Roosh Valizadeh’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Return of Kings blog a gentleman named Blair Naso has penned a weird paean to Barbie (the doll, not the Nazi war criminal), suggesting that she is a perfect “inspiration” for girls today.
I suppose it isn’t all that shocking that the kind of men who frequent Return of Kings would be fond of an imaginary woman who doesn’t talk and can’t defend herself.
Naso starts off his post by ridiculing feminists for criticizing Barbie. In his mind, they’re just jealous:
Today, the first in what will be an occasional series of posts on the Twitter activity — sorry, “activism” — of Men’s Rights Activists and other misbegotten misogynistic miscreants.
Sorry about the cheap alliteration at the end of the sentence there, but I’ve spent the last few hours reading Tweets from Attila Vinczer (@Alvhun) and I guess his penchant for tacky rhetorical special effects has rubbed off on me a little.
Attila, the “Activism Director” for Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, is an energetic Twitter “activist.” While not quite as hateful or vicious as his colleagues Dean Esmay or the now-banned Judgy Bitch (aka Janet Bloomfield), Attila has developed a Twitter style all his own, spewing forth minor masterpieces of overwrought incoherence that are the unintentional result of his attempts to pull off complicated literary maneuvers without a mastery of the basics. There is a kind of poetry to them.
Before he decided to attach himself to the #GamerGate “movement,” Breitbart writer and all-around douchebag Milo Yiannopoulos took a certain pleasure in baiting gamer “nerds,” a demographic he once described as a bunch of “pungent beta-male bollock-scratchers and twelve-year olds.”
He’s not the only self-appointed #GamerGate savior who doesn’t seem to have much respect for the group he’s ostensibly championing. Over on Reaxxion — the atrociously written pro-GamerGate game site run by pickup guru and non-gamer Roosh — one writer implores fellow gamers to quite literally put down their controllers and pick up weights.