I sort of wrote the whole post already with that headline, huh. Anyway, here’s someone’s dating profile I found on r/facepalm.
I sort of wrote the whole post already with that headline, huh. Anyway, here’s someone’s dating profile I found on r/facepalm.
Watch out, straight dudes! You may find yourself pining for a girlfriend, but find that there aren’t any on offer, because the lesbians have taken them all.
Every few months, it seems, I run across another article talking about how hard conservative men are having it in the dating world just because they’re gross fascist turdballs that no sensible person wants to fuck. And somehow, as noted by @guy_freire on Twitter, “this supposedly reflects negatively on Democrats.”
Huge bazonga enthusiasts! I have found the book for you.
Fellas! I mean, straight ones! Do you ever find yourself checking out a cute gal in the melon department in the supermarket and you want to ask her out but you’re not sure if she’s a feminist, which is important because you definitely don’t want to date one of those?
You may be familiar with the “How Do You Open” meme on Twitter. A “dating coach” will post a picture of a young, conventionally attractive woman and ask their male followers how they would “open” her in real life — that is, what would be their opening gambit if they wanted to seduce her with maximum efficiency.
“Slippery Rick” is a crypto dude on Twitter. He also has opinions about women.
I wish I knew how to quit you, Roosh Valizadeh. It’s been several years since Mr. V took shrooms, found God, abandoned his career as a pickup artist, and took up a new life as a religious fanatic. But under it all he’s still the same old Roosh — a raging misogynist and conspiracy theorist who still somehow thinks we all need to hear his thoughts on the world and all the dirty filthy sinners in it.
Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a fellow called Henry_Blair — the inventor of a replacement to feminism and the Men’s Rights movement called “Lovism” — has offered up a little manifesto with the less -than-grabby title “Women were given the message that immense privilege awaits them if they only cooperate with the feminist effort to depict men as an abuser-sex and women as a victim-sex.“
So a couple of days ago a Redditor stopped by the Antifeminists subreddit in search of some advice. Seems his girlfriend is a feminist, and by golly she won’t shut up about it. “[S[he’s giving me a hard time and headache” wrote yournftmaker, “what should I say or do ,hellpp.”