Another genius idea from the incel brain squad.
Another genius idea from the incel brain squad.
Gals! Are you looking to date men who get inexplicably angry about black women playing flutes?
Fellas! Are you looking to date women who sound like bad actresses awkwardly reading their lines off of a teleprompter?
So here’s a lovely little screenshot making the rounds on Reddit, featuring a fellow with some very bad advice for men considering marriage.
So today a Redditor went to the relationship_advice subreddit with an important question: “why does coming to ejaculate matter so much that I lose relationships because I choose not to ejaculate but let my sexual partner have orgasms. (Archived here.)
The incel-ification of the Men’s Rights movement continues apace. The regulars on the Men’s Rights subreddit, much like the incels I follow, are whining that it’s literally impossible for most men to meet the allegedly quite stringent height standards for women.
We’re going back to that Reddit thread from yesterday, because there’s a wonderful comment there that pretty much sums up the Men Going Their Own Way movement.
So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit today there’s a dude completely losing it over the issue of … tipping waitresses. Seems that these women, especially the younger ones, sometimes see a big tip from an older guy as a sign that the tipper has feelings for them (in his pants) and sometimes this kind of creeps them out.
There must be guys out there who watch The Stepford Wives — the original 1975 film anyway — without realizing that it’s a horror film. Guys who would root not for Katherine Ross or Paula Prentiss but for the mysterious men’s organization that runs the town of Stepford, which has developed a, well, unique way to respond to the demands of Women’s Lib, replacing the sometimes uppity women who have just moved into the town with more docile versions of themselves who are both traditional housewives and sexy sex slaves.
I…worked on this story for years..and…he just…he posted it on Psychology Today.
Fellas! Do you remain baffled by the mysteries of Female Nature?That’s probably because you’re trying to understand women by trying to understand women. Because it turns out, according to this dude I found in the semen retention subreddit, the only way to master female nature is by first mastering your semen (and not master-bating).