a voice for men antifeminism awesome cuteness kitties MRA

Greatest thing ever: Men’s Rights sites, with the graphics replaced by kitties!

Esteemed Man Boobz commenter Cloudiah has pointed me to a wondrous site called Meowbify, which takes ordinary web sites and replaces all their graphics with kitty gifs.

So as a service to you all I would like to bring you The Men’s Rights Movement, Meowbified.

Let’s start with A Voice for Men and its sister site

Alas, most of the bigger MRA sites are pretty light on graphics,  but here are a few that look pretty good Meowbified.

Bernard Chapin


MGTOW: Men Going Their Own Way

And, in the interests of fair play, here’s Man Boobz, Meowbified.

For added entertainment, the links on all these Meowbified sites are also Meowbified.


awesome cuteness dawgies kitties misogyny music video

Friday Fun Time Mostly Off-Topic Smorgasbord

Sorry I haven’t been around much in the last couple of days. Sometimes I just need to clear my head of all this manosphere nonsense. Regular posts will resume shortly. In the meantime, some pictures to amuse you, and a new video from Azealia Banks.

antifeminism cuteness evil fat fatties evil women idiocy kitties lying liars misandry misogyny MRA

Argumentum ad Kittypicturem: A Rebuttal

Manosphere doofuses have a wide assortment of excuses for dismissing this blog without actually having to deal with anything I’ve ever actually said.  There’s the old “you’re a misandrist bigot so I don’t have to read anything of yours to know what you think” argument; no evidence of the alleged misandry is ever given. There’s the old “you call yourself Man Boobz and that’s a silly name so I can pretend that nothing you say counts” excuse; actually, I call you guys the “man boobz,” but never mind. Then there’s the old “he’s fat” chestnut. (See the next-to-last pic here.)

My favorite excuse, though, is a little logical fallacy you might call “argumentum ad kittypicturem.” That is, the claim that I can’t be taken seriously because sometimes I post pictures of adorable kitties. I’m not sure why these pictures confuse and infuriate misogynists to the extent that they do, but I’m sort of happy this is the case, because every time I run across it, it gives me an excuse to POST MORE KITTY PICTURES.

This time the kitty picture hater is the lying liar Dalrock, whom we’ve met several times before—most recently when he complained about women taking jobs from men by “playing career woman much the way that Marie Antoinette played peasant and Zoolander’s character played coal miner.”

In a post with the ponderous yet somehow also very silly title “We need worthy adversaries,” Dalrock dismisses my blog as one of the unworthy ones, the only example of said unworthiness being this post I made featuring pictures of several adorable  kittens.

Here is my rebuttal:

Yes, that’s a hedgehog. Let’s see how they deal with THAT!

cuteness evil women kitties MGTOW open thread

Batman and cats, man

Here in the Man Boobz offices we are hard at work on a new post. Well, most of us are hard at work. One of us is eating cat treats off the floor. (Found the pic here.)

In the meantime, enjoy this picture of the world’s first BMGHOW (Bat-Man Going His Own Way). Found on Tumblr via the Shevilfempire.

Consider this an open thread. (Wait, aren’t they all?)

cuteness dawgies kitties off topic video

Palate Cleanser: Cats and Dogs

That last post was kind of grim. So here are some kitties, doing what they do. And a dog that is the master of the stairs.

If at first you don’t succeed, because what you are trying to do is impossible, try, try again.

I would like to take issue with the title given this next video. This cat isn’t dumb. It just enjoys sticking its head under the tap. Don’t we all?

Some cats are more talented than others. Or at least more obsessed with treats.

Tiny dog time!


bunnies cuteness dawgies kitties off topic open thread video

Off-topic: One Cat Roomba, Three Girl Rhumba

No misogynists today, just a cat in bunny ears riding a Roomba, and a classic song by Wire.

cuteness kitties MRA reddit

Men’s Rights Activists, or Kitten Haters? You decide.


The Men’s Rights subreddit responds to my previous post:

Men’s Rights Movement, I say to you: You can’t handle the kittens! YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE KITTENS!

I rest my case.

cuteness kitties off topic video

Dubstep kitty video party

It’s been kind of a rough week here at Man Boobz manor, so today, we’re just going to have a dubstep kitty video party. Watch as many as you dare. Talk amongst yourselves.

WARNING: Videos might induce seizure. Seriously, they might. Lots of flashing lights.

cuteness evil women I am making a joke misogyny PUA

Rationalization hamsters … or hamster rationalizations?

So furry, so delicious!


Manosphere dudes, as readers of this blog are well aware, love talking about women and their “rationalization hamsters.” As one douchenozzle defined the term:

The rationalization hamster is an analogy for the thought processes used by women to turn bad behavior and bad decisions into acceptable ones to herself and her friends. When a woman makes a bad decision, the hamster spins in its wheel (the woman’s thinking) and creates some type of acceptable reasons for that bad decision. The crazier the decision, the faster the hamster must spin in order to successfully rationalize away the insanity.

When the hamster rationalizes successfully, a woman can divorce [yeah, I meant to use that verb] herself from the consequences of her bad decision or behavior.

He’s got it backwards. Women don’t have “rationalization hamsters.” They have “hamster rationalizations.”

Example: “I’ll just eat one hamster. It won’t spoil my meal.”

Of course, that’s impossible. Hamsters are like potato chips, only furry and squirmier. Everyone knows you can’t eat just one!

Silly women and their hamster rationalizations! No wonder they’re so fat.