#gamergate antifeminism crackpottery cultural marxism entitled babies evil SJWs gamebros gender policing imaginary oppression misogyny playing the victim reactionary bullshit red pill

Red Dead Feminism: Are evil femi-commies trying to turn video gaming into another Soviet Union?

The future of gaming? (Click on pic for Stalin Bros. video.)
The future of gaming? (Click on pic for Stalin Bros. video.)

Over on Roosh V’s endearingly clueless gaming site Reaxxion, a self-described Red Piller named Mike Caputo is still mad at writer and experimental game developer Devin Wilson for suggesting, in a Gamasutra blog post last August, that video games aspire to be more than just “fun.”

This wouldn’t seem to be a particularly radical notion. I mean, “fun” is not the only thing that we humans expect to get out of art. Not every book I read is “fun.” Not every movie I watch is “fun.” Art is often challenging and even unpleasant. And aren’t #GamerGaters always telling us that video games are art? That they’re more meaningful than a game of Skee-ball?

Well, apparently not to Caputo, who thinks that trying to make video games anything other than fun is the equivalent of trying to bring back the Soviet Union.

a woman is always to blame all about the menz alpha males antifeminism cultural marxism dark enlightenment entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs evil working women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings

Is Cultural Marxism turning London women into sneaker-wearing, iPhone-dropping degenerates?

Melanie Griffith in Working Girl: An agent of Cutural Marxist oppression?
Melanie Griffith in Working Girl: An agent of Cultural Marxist oppression?

The far right racist douchebag-o-sphere has been warning us for some time that Cultural Marxism works insidiously to destroy Western Culture and make women all frumpy and shit. Well, you’ll never guess just how sneaky these Cultural Marxist plotters really are: apparently they have the power to cause women to repeatedly drop their iPhones.

In a new post on Roosh V’s Return of Kings site, some dude called Theodore Gumbril dissects what he sees as the increasing “Degeneracy Of London’s Women.” The four signs of this ongoing Lady-pocalypse?

#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism conspiracy theory creepy cultural marxism doxing empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh sympathy for murderers

Roosh's Revenge Fantasy: The pickup artist and Gawker-media-hater writes a short story about the murder of an SJW blogger

Roosh, probably saying something terrible.

Roosh Valizadeh has long fantasized about ruining the professional lives of alleged “social justice warrior” journalists who criticize racist and misogynistic assholes like himself.

Now he’s fantasizing about murdering them.

Yesterday, the pickup guru and “Return of Kings” founder posted a short story on his personal blog about a twentysomething mailroom worker who loses his job after a feckless SJW reporter working for a Gawker-like blog called “The Denouncer” discovers an offensive Facebook post of his and writes a hit piece on him.

Unable to get a decent-paying job, the young man travels to New York and guns down the reporter who, in his mind, ruined his life.

If you have to guess which of the two characters Roosh sympathizes with, you clearly haven’t encountered him before.

#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism cultural marxism evil SJWs racism

"Cultural Marxism" explained in helpful infographic (that somehow manages to avoid using "Le Happy Merchant") With BONUS CRAP PICS

It's all so obvious now!
It’s all so obvious now! (Click to enlarge.)

I‘m sorry, did I say “helpful?” I meant “so convoluted that the diagram-maker eventually gave up drawing lines between boxes because even he couldn’t figure out how all these things allegedly relate to each other.”

I should note that in addition to being a mess, this diagram is also complete bullshit, and that “Cultural Marxism” only exists in the fevered imaginations of neo-Nazis, conspiracy theorists, #Gamergaters and Bernard Chapin? For an actual history of “Cultural Marxism” as a boogeyman of the far right, see here. For more lovely “Cultural Marxism” infographics and memes, several of which do include “Le Happy Merchant,” see my earlier post on the subject.

Oh, ok. Here (after the jump) is a crapload of BONUS images I found by searching for “cultural marxism,” this time on Twitter.  [CONTENT WARNING: All the bigotries, actual pro-Hitler Tweets, cartoon semi-nudity.]

#gamergate 8chan cultural marxism drama kings dramatic reading entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity irony alert narcissism none dare call it conspiracy YouTube

This tribute to "the millions of gaming dead" is the most ridiculously overblown GamerGate video you may ever see

Today, the most pretentious, and also probably the most ridiculous GamerGate video I’ve seen so far.

Over black-and-white footage of assorted video game shooters, the YouTuber who calls himself PowerIndustry tries to provide a bit of inspiration to his comrades in the virtual trenches who have chosen, as he puts it, to “stand and fight.”

For those who can’t make it through the whole nine minutes– and there may be more than a few of you – here’s Mr. PI’s basic argument.