cuck evil black women evil sex-having women misogynoir misogyny reddit simps

Was Will Smith really to blame for that Oscars slap — or was it the fault of his “vile feminist thug” of a wife, Men’s Rightsers ask

When a man resorts to violence to “defend the honor” of his wife or girlfriend from rude comments from another man, it’s worth asking if the violence really has anything to do with the woman in question.

alpha males beta males block that metaphor chad cuck MGTOW misogyny simps

MGTOW Redditor: Alpha males are the real cucks

Bad news for Chads! According to one MGTOW Redditor, Chads should no longer be considered the ultimate males. Nope! It turns out that Chads — and alpha males in general — are obsessed with getting attention from women. Which makes them wimps, simps, and cucks, all rolled into a ball.

4chan alpha males beta males cuck eugenics evo psych fairy tales incels misogyny

A 4chan anon makes the case for cuckoldry: “It isn’t a fetish; it’s the natural order”

4Channers are so obsessed with calling people “cucks” that you can’t help but wonder if some of them are just projecting their own secret — or perhaps not-so-secret — fetishes on the world.

4chan cuck gender policing homophobia racism toxic masculinity trump

On 4chan’s /pol/ even the Biden supporters are huge raging assholes

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On this election day eve, 4chan’s /pol/ board is awash in Trumpmania, with the president’s fans calling on fellow anons to do everything they possibly can to support their beloved leader.

cuck cuckolding dogpill incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Government-enforced cuckoldry and mandatory penis inspections: An incel predicts the future

By David Futrelle

Predicting the future is always a perilous venture, never more so than when the predictor in question has only the most tenuous grasp of the present. Consider the case of an incel called Bjrgaminggod, who believes that we today live in a world in which a huge percentage of men are involuntarily celibate like him — in part because so many women prefer to have sex with their dogs.

cuck men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit simps

“If you aren’t celibate, you’re a simp” declares celibate Redditor

Every man’s got one, apparently

By David Futrelle

“Simp” is the new “cuck,” a catchall term that internet losers on the right and in the manosphere like to apply to any man who’s insufficiently misogynistic in their jaundiced eyes.

baby men cuck empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-having women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Hey MGTOWs: We don’t hate that you “go your own way.” We hate that you’re a bunch of screeching misogynist baby men who won’t shut up about women

MGTOWs: Why does everyone hate us?

By David Futrelle

Over on Reddit, the MGTOWs are wondering why no one likes them. In a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, one confused MGTOW Redditor called Ramayri asks “Why are people so negative or outright hostile to MGTOW ideology?”

cringe cuck Dunning–Kruger effect men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

“They think we need viagra to stay virulent [sic] while programming women to assume every man is a creep, which is part of their wet dream to roll out full communism,” galaxy-brained MGTOW explains

By David Futrelle

So I’m scrolling through the MGTOW subreddit, la dee da, and I stumble upon this amazing paragraph buried in a longer rant titled “WE don’t need THEM. THEY need US. NEVER forget THAT.”

cuck incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Incels love to call others “cucks,” but some of them are now claiming the label for themselves

By David Futrelle

If there’s one thing that most incels agree on, it’s that however degraded they think they are, at least they’re better off than cucks. And they mean this both literally and not-so-literally. While they disapprove of men who fit the dictionary definition of “cuckold” — that is, “a man whose wife is unfaithful” — their own mental dictionary has a rather more expansive view of the word.

cringe cuck cuckolding entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy racism sexual insecurity

Black athletes are turning white men into a cucked “third sex” by being better at sports, weirdo racist football fan argues

By David Futrelle

Caste Football is an online forum devoted to the premise that white athletes (sorry, White athletes) are terribly discriminated against in professional sports. According to the site’s posting guidelines: