Imagine how far your head has to be up your own ass to ask a question like this.
Category: cringe
Over on the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, they’re talking about hickeys. More specifically, they’re talking about how alpha men like themselves can strategically use any hickeys they come to possess as a tool to impress the ladies.
By David Futrelle
Yep, some NoFap dude did a NoFap version of Johnny Cash’s famous cover of Nine Inch Nails’ “Hurt,” with the lyrics changed to make a point about the evils of “cooming” while jerking off to porn. Just listen to this mess, if you can:
By David Futrelle
So I’m scrolling through the MGTOW subreddit, la dee da, and I stumble upon this amazing paragraph buried in a longer rant titled “WE don’t need THEM. THEY need US. NEVER forget THAT.”
By David Futrelle
Just like Men Going Their Own Way, who can’t stop talking about the women they’re ostensibly “going their own way” from, militant NoFappers can’t stop obsessing over the sexual appeal (or alleged lack thereof) of the women they’re definitely not masturbating over.
By David Futrelle
Several years ago, I wrote about a holographic “virtual companion” that seemed designed to fulfill the romantic fetishes of every anime-obsessed incel. “Azuma,” as she was known, was basically a tiny, chatty waifu encased in a jar she could never escape from — seemingly a Black Mirror episode waiting to happen.
By David Futrelle
We’ve met them before, these mysterious and stinky straight men, who refuse to wipe or wash their asses because they’re afraid that doing so is somehow gay.
By David Futrelle
I regret to inform you that the bad tweeters are at it again. Here, an assortment of very bad takes, from some familiar names and a few up-and-comers.
By David Futrelle
Yesterday afternoon, the Alt-Rightish YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux decided that the world needed to hear his thoughts on Taylor Swift’s eggs. Not her egg salad recipe (if she has one) or her favorite way to prepare an omelette. Her eggs eggs. The ones inside her body.
By David Futrelle
Caste Football is an online forum devoted to the premise that white athletes (sorry, White athletes) are terribly discriminated against in professional sports. According to the site’s posting guidelines: