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What women don’t want to hear, according to a bunch of losers on Twitter

So one of those Red Pill accounts on Twitter decided to gin up some engagement by asking its readers a question:

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Creepy Incel Video of the Day (Update: Dude was arrested)


Here’s what happens when a guy internalizes the incel mindset: he chases a woman down the street in his car because he “just wanted to play a song for her to give her her own choice if she wanted to be with me.”

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Fox News host Greg Gutfeld, 58, laments that college students aren’t sexy any more

Fox’s Greg Gutfeld, Mr. Sexypants

The Pledge Drive is going better! But we’re still not quite there. Please donate what you can!

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You can also give by Venmo at David-Futrelle-1. Thanks!

Weird how obsessed these right-wing pundits are with the sexuality of kids half one-third their age.

creepy dating tips misogyny MRA sexual insecurity

Meet the Man Going His Own Way, Especially When it Comes to Tipping Women for Their Services

No more tips for you, ladies!

So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit today there’s a dude completely losing it over the issue of … tipping waitresses. Seems that these women, especially the younger ones, sometimes see a big tip from an older guy as a sign that the tipper has feelings for them (in his pants) and sometimes this kind of creeps them out.

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Happy Mother’s Day — now back to the kitchen! 17 weird, creepy, and sometimes cute vintage cards

Happy Mothers Day! Let us celebrate with a bunch of weird, creepy, retrograde, sexist, and sometimes cute vintage Mother’s Day cards.

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Unwanted sex is no worse than drinking a glass of water when you’re not thirsty, and other observations from a complete piece of shit

This guy can’t understand why every girl isn’t the girl who can’t say no. It’s just sex, baby, as natural as using a sex toy, except that, well, you’re actually the sex toy here.

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Worst Uber alternative ever

cat driving a car
By contrast, this is the best Uber alternative ever

Here’s a fellow with new take on the old slogan “gas, grass or ass.”

I have 3 jobs, ask me. Griffith University A Lives in Alexandra Hills 0 38 kilometres away 
About me 
If you ever need a ride home from work, save your money send me a message I'll come and pick you up and take you home. All I ask for in return is that you suck me off and let me play with you during the trip, the goal is to make me cum before we arrive at your destination otherwise I get to fuck you to finish off

The one thing that makes this a little more bearable is the virtual certainty that he has never gotten a positive response to this Tinder profile.

H/T — r/NiceGuys; I disguised the guy’s face in the pic.

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creepy incels MGTOW misogyny MRA PUA

“I hate women, will you be mine,” have a Men’s Rights Valentine

MRAs: The scary clowns of Valentine’s Day

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Men’s Rights activists and other manosphere misogynists may not have sweeties to send Valentine’s Day cards to. but no worries! Here’s a selection of cards they can send to each other.

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12 terrifyingly meat-related Valentine’s Day cards

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I don’t know why these exist or who they’re supposed to appeal to, but here they are: the twelve most terrifyingly meat-related Valentine’s Day cards that might just turn you into a vegetarian.

creepy FemRAs funny MGTOW misogyny MRA spermjacking Uncategorized

Ten dynamite last-minute costume ideas for a Men’s Rights Halloween

Men’s Rights Activists! Are you scrambling to find a good costume for a Halloween party tonight?

Here are a few suggestions, free of charge.