"ethics" a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women capybaras cassie jaye crackpottery dan perrins drama kings entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MRA post contains sarcasm red pill

Confused MRAs charge conspiracy after Village Voice pans “agonizing” Red Pill documentary

This fictional character from The Office probably wouldn't like the film either
This fictional character probably wouldn’t like the film either

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The reviews are in! Well, technically speaking, a review is in.

The Village Voice’s Alan Scherstuhl has posted his review of Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill, her totally objective documentary about the Men’s Rights Movement that was funded in part by some of the people featured in it and that will be opening in theaters a theater Friday

alpha males crackpottery entitled babies hillary clinton men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny scott adams trump

Scott Adams: Trump “won the election” last night by losing the debate

Very presidential
Very presidential

The Pledge Drive continues! If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below!  Thanks!

If you thought Chuck Tingle’s version of the Clinton-Trump debate last night was surreal, well, take a look at what Dilbert creator and wannabe master persuader Scott Adams has to say about it.

bad science crackpottery crank magnetism facepalm flat earth none dare call it conspiracy off topic TROOOLLLL!! trump

Fake news site trolls Flat Earthers with story claiming Donald Trump has gone flat (earth)

Donald Trump did not say this. Flat earther meme found on; I added the word "fake"to it 7 times
Donald Trump did not say this. Flat earther meme found on; I added the word “fake”to it seven times in six different fonts

There’s been a bit of excitement amongst the Flat Earthers over the past couple of days, as word spread that none other than Donald J. Trump had come out publicly as a Flat Earther, telling an Associated Press reporter that:

alpha males crackpottery hillary clinton narcissism trump whaaaaa? yeah totally sure right

Trump superfan Mike Cernovich thinks he caused Hillary’s recent illness … WITH A TWEET

Cerno the Magnificent
Cerno the Magnificent

It’s not news that alt-right lawyer and juice enthusiast Mike Cernovich is a little, well, off.

Now he’s taken that weirdness to a whole new level with a post suggesting that he and other Trump supporters caused Hillary to get sick … with their minds. Or at least with their Tweets.

a woman is always to blame alt-right anime nazis bad science crackpottery entitled babies imaginary oppression irony alert literal nazis mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny oppressed white men patriarchy racism

Daily Stormer to white women: All your womb are belong to us!

Future white soldier?
Future white soldier?

When Internet Nazis rail against the alleged evils of “race-mixing,” the particular kind of mixology that invariably enrages them the most involves white women “mudsharking” or “coal burning” with black men.

alt-right anti-Semitism attention seeking crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever pandering racism vox day

Vox Day declares Nazism “semiotically useful,” specifies which kind of Jew is ok to him

Theodore Beale: The finest flower of Western Civilzation?
Theodore Beale: The finest flower of Western Civilization?

Racism can be so confusing!

Consider the case of everyone’s favorite racist dickhead fantasy author, Theodore “Vox Day” Beale. Ever since he discovered, two years ago, that his DNA contained enough Native American blood “to qualify for membership in most Indian tribes,” Beale has been using these DNA results to do a sort of end-run around accusations of racism.

alt-right crackpottery crank magnetism cuck entitled babies evil SJWs gender policing homophobia irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever playing the victim racism threats today in breitbart comments transphobia

Breitbart commenters somehow manage to use Colin Kaepernick as an excuse to attack trans folks

Breitbarties: Angry, as usual
Breitbarties: Angry, as usual

You might not think that a two-paragraph post about NFL ratings would inspire much, er, debate on Breitbart. You’d be wrong.

a voice for men alt-right andrea hardie antifeminism antifeminist women crackpottery FemRAs hypocrisy irony alert misogyny MRA trump women's suffrage

JudgyBitch: Women without husbands or sons should have to join the military to vote

Andrea Hardie, saying something terrible
Andrea Hardie, saying something terrible

With election day here in the US less than two months away, Andrea Hardie has decided that maybe it would be ok if some women were allowed to vote after all.

antifeminism armageddon crackpottery has possibly never spoken to a woman men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy patriarchy rape culture reddit sexual exploitation women's jobs aren't real

Just some MGTOWS dreaming of the apocalypse – and how it’ll make ladies less stuck-up

Man going his post-apocalyptic way
Man going his post-apocalyptic way

It’s no big secret that many doomsday preppers yearn for the apocalypse — if for no other reason than the opportunities it will provide them to say “I told you so” to all those who doubted their paranoid fantasies. And to possibly shoot some of these unprepared scoffers when they come begging for food.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery drama kings irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit

Men’s Rights Redditors predict a dystopian gynocracy under President Hillary Clinton

Hillary, destroying city BUILT BY MEN
Hillary, destroying a city BUILT BY MEN

I sometimes lie awake at night imagining the eldritch horrors of a Trump presidency. Men’s Rights Redditors, by and large, seem pretty stoked by the possibility. No, what keeps them awake at night is the thought of Hillary Clinton behind the desk in the Oval Office.