crackpottery gullibility narcissism scott adams trump

Scott Adams: Maybe Russia did us a yuuuge favor by subverting our democracy

Scott Adams: Has many opinions

The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you appreciate the blog, please donate what you can! THANKS! 

One of the many tragedies of Donald Trump’s electoral college victory is that it has given Dilbert creator and Dunning-Kruger poster boy Scott Adams an even more inflated belief in his own personal brilliance.

alt-right cerno crackpottery grandiosity racism

Mike Cernovich: Black men cause cops to shoot them by thinking that cops shoot black men

Visualize friendly cops

The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you like the blog, please donate what you can! THANKS! 

Apparently, the reason so many black people are getting murdered by police officers is that black people believe police officers are murdering black people.

At least that’s what Twitter activist, “Gorilla mindset” guru and all-around Internet embarrassment Mike Cernovich seems to suggest in a recent blog post.

alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism crackpottery cuck daily stormer drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs homophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men racism red pill reddit return of kings

Alt-Rightists are boycotting Star Wars Rogue One for its alleged “Anti-White Social Engineering”

Wait, they’re not all white guys!

The 4th quarter 2016 We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now WHTM pledge drive continues! If you like the blog, please donate what you can! THANKS! 

Apparently forgetting the humiliating failure of their cuck-centric boycott of Star Wars: The Force Awakens — the film ultimately made roughly six squadrillion dollars at the box office –some of the internet’s most excitable racists are calling on all white people to skip out on the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story because something something Jew female white genocide.

alt-right crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies homophobia irony alert Islamophobia misogyny racism rape rape culture sexual assault sexual harassment trump

I’m assembling a post full of anti-Trump resources. Can you help?


So I’m putting together a page (or possibly two) of anti-Trump resources, and I could use your help over the next few days. (No need think about any of this stuff today, obviously!)

I’m looking for a bunch of different things:

Information and graphics to help make the case that Trump’s victory is illegitimate, based on:

Hillary’s big win the popular vote; the ways in which the electoral college effectively overcounts the votes of rural whites and those in swing states and undercounts those of minorities; dirty tricks, from Russian hacking and wikileaks to the machinations of Comey and pro-Trump FBI agents (I’m especially interested in stuff talking about Trump’s connections to the dirty tricksters, as well as his public encouragement and exploitation of leaked emails and the like).

Information on protests and other anti-Trump activism:

Both local and national (and on the internet). Links to help people who want to get involved.

Information and resources to help people deal with Trump-related anxiety, etc. 

Information on Trump’s massive conflicts of interest, and whether or not this could rise to the level of an impeachable offense

Information on his worldwide business dealings. Examples of the conflicts that have already become an issue even though he’s not yet in the White House. The issues raised by his plan to have his kids run his business — despite their continued involvement in the transition and their attendance at meetings with foreign leaders.

Information on Trump’s connections to white supremacists

The possibility that he engaged in “pay to play” for favorable coverage in Breitbart. Connections to far-right parties and activists in Europe. Examples of horrible stuff said and done by his white supremacist supporters. His refusal to clearly and specifically distance himself from these people — in person, on camera.

Trump’s compulsive lying; his vanity; his obsession with revenge; his encouragement of violence at his rallies; his flip-flops, mood swings, erratic behavior; his susceptibility to flattery; his promulgation of fake news and discredited claims

Trump’s racism and misogyny

Trump’s attacks on Muslims and Latinos. His record of discrimination against black tenants. His long history of misogyny. The accusations of sexual assault raised against him.

Historical parallels between Trump and fascist/authoritarian leaders in the past

Information about Trump’s unwillingness to follow traditional norms of presidential behavior and/or do his job

His massive ignorance about this country and the world and unwillingness/inability to learn. His attempts to dodge the press and threats against press freedom. His refusal to attend daily intelligence briefings. His refusal to make his tax returns public.

Trump’s terrible advisors and allies; the Russian connections

Further reading on Trump

Ranging from the terrible things he’s said about women, to his bankruptcies and sleazy business practices, to his embrace of assorted conspiracy theories over the years. I’m generally looking for longer articles here, but short primers on some issues are welcome as well.

Further reading on fascism. authoritarianism, right-wing movements and media

Information about Pence, particularly his anti-LGBT policies

Funny stuff

Recommended publications, writers, podcasters, etc to help make sense of Trump

Anything else you can think of that I’m forgetting


aggrieved entitlement alt-right crackpottery drama kings entitled babies homophobia irony alert matt forney post contains jokes post contains sarcasm projection scott adams twitter

Scott Adams accuses Twitter of possible TREASON for shadowbanning him, maybe

If this man were alive today, he'd be deleting some (but not all) of Scott Adams' Tweets
If this man were alive today, he’d be deleting some (but not all) of Scott Adams’ Tweets

I may have given out the first Donald Trump Memorial Award for Complete Lack of Self Awareness to the wrong person earlier today. Because, as much as Matt Forney deserves the award, Scott Adams may deserve it even more. For some of the same reasons, even.

alt-right crackpottery entitled babies facepalm men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture trump twitter

Trump accuser is lying because she used an expression other people have used before, Trump fans claim

Trump: Hands like an octopus?
Trump: Hands like an octopus?

Most of us like to think of ourselves as originals. But when it comes to communicating with other human beings, we’re not quite as original as we think.

When we talk, and write, we not only use words; we use a wide assortment of stock phrases that we’ve picked up along the way. Some of these phrases are basic building blocks of language, more or less essential to communication; others are, as the expression goes, worn-out clichés. Some of these clichés are so burned into our brains that we almost can’t help using them — though we sometimes apologize for it afterwards (or even before).

alt-right anti-Semitism conspiracy theory crackpottery hillary clinton literal nazis none dare call it conspiracy racism rape culture sexual assault sexual harassment trump

Was Trump’s dogwhistle speech yesterday written by the ghost of Henry Ford?

Henry Ford: Inspiration to Hitler -- and Trump?
Henry Ford: Inspiration to Hitler — and Trump?

During a speech yesterday, the newly “unshackled” Donald Trump denounced the women who have accused him of sexual harassment and assault as “horrible people” and “horrible, horrible liars.”

But he also devoted a good deal of time to another group that he claims he’s fighting against, a conspiratorial cabal he variously labeled “the establishment,” “those who control the levers of power in Washington,” “the global special interests,” and “people that don’t have your good in mind.”

alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism crackpottery crank magnetism entitled babies grandiosity heartiste hillary clinton literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy PUA trump

Hillary wants to kill men and give their jobs to women, Alt-Right Trump fans charge

Hillary Clinton: Man-murdering warmonger?
Hillary Clinton: Man-murdering warmonger?

As Donald Trump descends ever further into the maelstrom of his own id, the rhetoric of his most devoted fans grows ever wilder.

On the blog of the rabidly racist pickup artist James “Heartiste” Weidmann — you may recall his recent attacks on Paul Ryan — one of the regular commenters has a rather creative new theory about Hillary: She’s deliberately trying to start a war with Russia because she wants to kill off as many young American men as possible. 

bullying crackpottery entitled babies hillary clinton irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny scott adams trump

Scott Adams: Trump won the debate by lurking behind Hillary, threatening to jail her

Donald Trump preparing for last night's debate
Donald Trump preparing for last night’s debate

Are any of you wondering what Dilbert creator and Dunning-Kruger poster boy Scott Adams has to say about last night’s debate? No? Too bad, because I already went and looked at his post on the subject, and it’s too loopy not to share.

a voice for men alpha males alt-right antifeminism antifeminist women capybaras crackpottery do you even lift empathy deficit FemRAs infighting irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA patriarchy red pill Suzanne McCarley toxic masculinity

Red Pill film backer Mike Cernovich mocks MRAs as saddoes who need to hit the gym

The Men's Rights movement, according to Mike Cernovich
The Men’s Rights movement, according to Mike Cernovich

The Pledge Drive is almost over! If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below!  Thanks!

Trouble in paradise! Just days before the opening of The Red Pill, the apparently quite awful Men’s Rights documentary, one of the film’s biggest backers is mocking Men’s Rights Activists as a bunch of sad men “who clearly need to improve their lives by going to the gym.”