conspiracy theory covid feminization transphobia

Bill Gates’ boobies, and the alleged secret plot to feminize men with the COVID vaccine, according to some dumbass

Bill Gates: Boobies not depicted

The editor of the right-wing “news” site Headline USA thinks he has sussed out the possible next phase of the global conspiracy to sterilize the human race: the global elites will use vaccines to feminize men and cause them to grow man boobs.

covid misogynoir that's completely wrong the federalist

The Federalist declares war on Lizzo for being unapologetically fat and possibly killing people with COVID or something

The Federalist has come up with a new scapegoat for the COVID pandemic: Lizzo.

covid culture war sex sexual insecurity

People in New Zealand can have sex with up to 24 of their best friends, the Prime Minister sort of announces. But the Gateway Pundit isn’t invited

This is possibly the dumbest picture I’ve ever made for this blog. My apologies to New Zealand

Yesterday the rigt-wing mediasphere went bananas over an ambiguous comment from the top James Bond producer seemingly suggesting that maybe, just maybe, at some time in the future, James Bond could get rebooted as a non-binary super spy.

anti-Semitism armageddon conspiracy theory covid vaccines

Natural News says the COVID vax will make your DNA melt and basically kill everyone but anti-vax “purebloods,” so I guess it’s goodbye for you and me

Soon her DNA will be MELTING

Natural News describes itself as “a science-based natural health advocacy organization” dedicated to “empower[ing] consumers with factual information.”

christianity covid death wish reactionary bullshit the federalist

The Federalist: Dying of COVID is good, actually

Jesus wept

MAGA truly is a death cult, though it’s rare for anyone on that side to admit it outright. Enter The Federalist, which today published a piece by its executive editor with the utterly un-ironic headline “For Christians, Dying From COVID (Or Anything Else) Is A Good Thing.”

announcements covid roosh v

PSA: Get a better mask! Where to buy authentic N95 and KN95 masks cheap

Make sure yours can do this

The other day I went back to the Roosh V forums to see if the COVID-infected former PUA-turned-fanatical-Christian was doing any better, and it turns out he is.

anti-Semitism conspiracy theory covid

Right-wing bloviator Dennis Prager thinks that the clods who won’t wear masks in the grocery store are the same sort of people who hid Jews from the Nazis

Dennis Prager is a right-wing bloviator and the founder of Prager “University,” which is about as much of a university as it is a pastrami sandwich. He has many terrible opinions, which he expresses in newspaper columns and brief videos, on such topics as gay marriage (he’s against it), the environment (he’s against it), free school lunches (he’s against them), and the alleged “Islamicization of America” (he’s guess what? against it).

He also has opinions on the burning question of our age: who would be most likely to hide Jews from the authorities “in the event of a Nazi-like outbreak.” 

covid homophobia irony alert misogyny roosh v

Roosh V dismissed fears of COVID as “gay” and “girly.” Now he seems to have caught the bug himself, and it’s bad

Roosh, in happier times

It’s probably not a shock to learn that Roosh V — former-PUA-turned-Orthodox-Christian — is a COVID “skeptic” who railed against the COVID vaccines and refused to wear a mask. He once dismissed fears of COVID as “a girl thing” and “gay.”

covid Dunning–Kruger effect masks the federalist

The most ridiculously pretentious argument against wearing a mask comes courtesy of The Federalist

It’s safe to say that The Federalist — the inexplicably well-funded right-wing rag — isn’t happy about Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates. Their first post on the subject declared it a “fascist move”; a followup post groused that the Biden administration is “really just using lies and deception to force their agenda on the American public without regard for the law or Constitution.”

covid macho macho men male supremacy misogyny reactionary bullshit threats

Anti-vaxxers just can’t stop talking about big, buff, manly dudes beating people up

Pump you up

You may remember a fellow I wrote about last week — a GOP candidate in Pennsylvania who threatened to take “twenty strong men” into a school board meeting and physically remove the board for mandating masks for kids.