I guess I owe an apology to Reddit’s contingent of Men Going Their Own Way. In the past I have suggested that MGTOWs spend all day every day talking shit about the women they’ve supposedly declared their complete independence from.
Late Sunday night, far-right attack journalist Ian Miles Cheong began tweeting the grisly details of a murder that had taken place that morning. At that point, he was the only journalist who seemed to know much of anything about the death of Instagram “e-girl” Bianca Devins.
The Semen Retention subreddit is a weird place to visit, filled both with arcane manifestos on the spiritual awakenings that supposedly come from never having orgasms, ever, and enthusiastic testimonials from sperm-filled dudes convinced that their onanistic disipline has caused all the women in their immediate vicinity to lust for them like cats in heat, even though actually having sex with one of these women would destroy their no-orgasm streak and, they fear, transform them back into average schmoes again.
Yes, this is a real photo of Roosh dressed as Jesus that I made into a Blingee. It’s from like ten years ago though.
By David Futrelle
A couple of weeks back, you may recall, our old friend Roosh V complained, in a tweet, that Satan was giving him boners by making women in his vicinity all sexy and stuff. At the time I wondered if the aging libertine, who now spends much of his time fulminating like a fundamentalist preacher, had truly found God, or if he had just decided to namedrop the Biblical villain for, well, the hell of it. I was skeptical.
I don’t know what planet incels live on, but some of you ladies might want to move there, at least if you enjoy endless sex, not working, and … murder.
Into each life some rain must fall. Unless, of course, you’re Donald Trump, in which case you do anything and everything you can to keep even a single drop of that foul skywater from touching your elaborately styled and apparently quite delicate combover — even if it means dishonoring the memories of Americans who died serving their country.
Roosh V: Just asking questions. Really stupid questions.
By David Futrelle
Roosh V, everyone’s favorite rapey pickup artist and wannabe alt-rightist, has morphed into a full-fledged conspiracy theorist, pushing a bizarre false flag explanation for yesterday’s synagogue shooting — seeming to suggest that it was some sort of joint Democratic Party/FBI/Anti-Defamation League project designed to sway the elections and shut down the Nazi-friendly Twitter clone Gab, and which deliberately targeted elderly Jews because they didn’t have much life left ahead of them anyway.
Christopher Cantwell: Remember when this guy used to write for A Voice for Men?
By David Futrelle
Oh dear. It seems the Alt-Right is in a bit of a tizzy again, and this time the culprit is Christopher Cantwell, the gun-loving Nazi and former A Voice for Men contributor who gained a certain pathetic notoriety for posting a tearful, fearful video after learning he was wanted by the police for tear-gassing antifascist counterprotesters at the Unite the Right rally last summer in Charlottesville.